Important Announcement

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Hello everyone, this is Silph. I'm sorry for the extremely long wait for the update you guys were waiting for and I'm even more sorry and guilty to announce that I'm going to discontinue this rewritten story when I promise that it won't be discontinued.

There are several reasons for this. One is that when I first created this story, I was around 13 years old and just discovered the world of fanfictions. As a result, my fanfic ended up being to cringy for me to continue seeing how op my character is as well as how I didn't thought the plot out well as my idea at that time is to insert the characters and have little to no change to the canon One Piece plot. Not to mention, I didn't knew how hard it was to describe the scenes (like the fight scenes) as well as making sure the characters aren't ooc until I attempted to write it.

Another reason is my off and on interest in One Piece and Fairy Tail. Don't misunderstand, I still like reading the actual mangas, it's just that I have less interest in reading and writing One Piece and Fairy Tail fanfictions, which gives me less motivation to write this story.

Over the years, I realized that writing a story is hard for me. While I do have some fanfic ideas on other works like Katekyo Hitman Reborn or Percy Jackson, I'm afraid that my writing skills can't put them into words nor do I have an idea an where I want the story to end or change. Maybe I'll attempt to write now that I'm older and have a better understanding on how to write a story, but for now I won't.

Since I won't be continuing this fanfic, you guys are free to take up this story or take inspiration from it. I won't complain so long as you guys mention where you got the story idea from or inspired by. Anyway, this is a goodbye for now. Thanks for liking and commenting this story, it made me happy even if I didn't like this cringy story.

- Silph

Published: 03/15/21 (Monday)

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