[Chapter 1] - A Semingly Normal Day

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Warnings for the chapter:

- strong language/cursing
- dark theme
- minor dark humor
- some kinky thoughts
- mentions of a near death experience
- mentions of an abusive relationship
- mentions of sex

If I missed any let me know :)

[Word count: 1804]

Not fully proof-read :(


Wilbur couldn't believe his bad luck.

First he accidentally stepped on a cat's tail, then proceeded to almost get run over by a bus, forgot to lock his apartment door, so he ended up getting robbed when he got back home, his landlord decided to be a shitass today and threw him out of the complex and the worst one of the day, was when one of the strings on his guitar broke causing him to curse out loud in front of a christian mother.

So now he's stuck sitting on a bench in a nearby park, looking angrily at his phone and sourly searching to see if any of his friends were available at the moment, to come and pick him up.

As he was looking through his phone, trying to search for any nearby hotels so he would have a place to crash in for the night, he stumbled across one of his and his girlfriend's- now ex-girlfriend, since Sally decided that he finally wasn't good enough to keep around anymore- photos of them smiling and cuddling together and started deleting them without a second of hesitation.

He was actually meaning to break up with her a while ago, because things weren't working between them and she was getting more and more demanding and kept on buying more and more expensive stuff with his own damn money.
But in the end, he never could bring himself to bring it upon the table, since he was too afraid of her reaction.
See, Sally goes to the same college as him, and in the said college everyone sees her as their little innocent star. So if he didn't do as she says, she could very easily make up a story about how he's abusing and hurting her, and have fucking police bringing him to custody the very next fucking day.

Hell, at times he's worried she'll do it just for the heck of it and then watch him get beaten to death by others on the college grounds.

But that wasn't important now, as he waited for his friends to come pick him up.
As he expected they laughed at him as soon as they reached him, but luckily enough for him, they soon decided to stop their teasing and try to actually cheer him up.
But sadly knowing them, Wilbur was not amused or surprised at the slightest when they brought him to a fucking Zoo of all things to cheer him up. As they started walking in he realised that in the end he was too tired to try and start protesting or resisting, so he quietly followed them in.

Besides, on the bright side, he did love animals...well most of the animals. Yeah, looking at you anteaters.

So that's how Wilbur a few hours later, found himself watching a pair of sloths (idk if they're usually in groups or if it's just a singular one on display at all times) slowly climbing a tree, with his phone battery dead and his friends nowhere to be seen.

Whatever curse has been bestowed on him for today, seemed to of have been lifted when a very fucking cute boy with soft-slightly-longish-brown-looking hair and beautiful piercing blue-sky eyes, tapped him on the shoulder. Wilbur assumed the mesmerising being standing slightly behind him was talking as he saw their soft looking lips starting to move, but he for some reason couldn't hear anything, as he was too busy admiring the divine being that was blessed upon him.


Techno was having a confusing yet annoying day today.

First, he was rudely aweken by some horney neighbours having sex at 2 in the fucking morning.
But it got better when he went out to the animal shelter across his apartment to stay with the animals for a little while. (Yes the animal shelter was opened at that time, and yes the owners did let techno just come in and start playing with the animals, as they are very fond of him and he helps calm the animals down a lot.)

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