Author's Note

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Hello !! I've never really written any wattpad fanfics/drabble books so do be warned that these drabbles may not turn out as how you want them to and they may not be very good so I apologise in advance 🤍

For requests, you may comment the ship that you want and what genre you want ( fluff, angst, hurt/comfort , etc ). I'll take requests for any ship and genre except :
- smut
- non-con
- nsfw

☁️ - Fluff
☔️ - Angst

I also apologise in advance if I don't update as often as you wish because I still have school and might be pretty busy at times. Hope you enjoy!! ❤️

 Hope you enjoy!! ❤️

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[ rainbow fish ] haikyuu drabbles 🦕Where stories live. Discover now