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you were a groom on the yard of the famous joekid jockey, you loved horses more than anything, you were what some might call a 'horse girl' but that didn't bother you in the least, because there was another person in your life who shared your passion for horses.

Even since his accident, Johnny Joestar still spent every day tending to the horses in the yard and that was something that you admired about him. His dedication and passion for horses knew no limits; no one else on the yard had that same enthusiasm in their eyes as Johnny Joestar.

It was a sunny afternoon in mid June, Johnny was mixing feed for one of the older, retired race horses, there was something different about him today that you couldn't quite place, Johnny wasn't one to smile often but you could tell when he wasn't himself. You approached him asking if something was wrong. Out of the corner of your eye you saw a tear trickle down the jockey's cheek.

Finally, Johnny spoke up 'I need some time alone today.' is all he said, weakly. To avoid any conflict you backed away leaving him alone, but something felt wrong about doing such a thing when you knew deep in your heart that Johnny really wasn't acting right.

Taking a deep breath in, you turned back around, shoulders high confronting the jockey. "Johnny, I know something's not right with you, you need to stop hiding things from me all the time." You looked him in the eye as he rubbed at his eyes trying to hide the tears. Johnny was stubborn and you knew that better than anyone, having become closer to him in the past year that you had been working on the yard. Getting a response out of him like this wasn't going to be easy.

He sniffed, pushing the bucket of oats to the side, "they're taking her away today, my favourite horse, she's too old to race anymore."

You slapped him, because you were a bit tsundere, it wasn't a hard slap, but enough to knock some sense into him. "Get a grip Johnny, she's going to a better place." You began, "these horses don't have a life here, they're raced to death sometimes, she was strong, she made it this long, through such a hard life and now she can take a break for the last few years of her life. You should be happy for her. "

Johnny smiled at you, his tears had stopped and you felt a warmth in your chest, it was the first time you had seen him smile in months.

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