The Day Before He Leaves

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Sorry for the wait. I hope you find this worth the time it took. Enjoy!!!

Kara's POV
Reign: You killed him.
K: Wait, no. What do you mean?
R: You killed that innocent man when you put him in that pod.
K: What no? No I didn't, he's- he's right beside me.
R: No, that was all an illusion.
K: What no, that's not true. You're lying!
R: Yeah sure, keep on telling your self that.
K: What is that supposed to mean?
R: Just accept it already, you killed him!
K: No! I did not kill him!
Ever since Mon-el left earth, I've been having these dreams of this Reign person telling me that I killed him. But that can't be true because he's right beside me. He's alive and I didn't kill him right?
R: Yes, you did! You killed him! You killed him! An innocent man and you killed by putting him in that pod. You thought you were saving him but you but you killed him instead. That pod that you put him in exploded! YOU KILLED HIM. How does that make you a superhero, or even a hero? Huh?! How?! All you do is talk about all the good you've done, how is killing a innocent man good?! You killed him! You killed him! You killed him! You killed him!!!
K: Stop. Please stop.
R: Aww did I hurt your feelwings.
Bu-hu, what are you gonna do now? Run crying to you're mommy? Oh never mind I forgot that she died along with your planet. Poor you.
K: Just stop, please.
R: Oh for heavens sake grow up already. And accept the fact that you killed him.
K: No, no, no, no, t-that cant be true he's beside me right now. No! No! He is not dead!
R: He is dead ok? You killed him!
K: No, no, no, no, no...

Mon-el POV
I'm woken up by the stirring of the person beside me. When I sit up and turn on the light, I saw Kara being restless I bed. And she's mumbling something that sounded like the word "no" over and over again.
M: Kara?
M: Kara wake up!
Mon-el shakes her gently.
Mon-el shakes her once again, except this time he does it more aggressively.
Kara POV
M: Nightmare?
K: Yeah.
M: What was it about?
Oh no, I can't tell him that I had a nightmare of him being dead because of her. Cause if she does that then she will possibly prevent him from going back to the future
( yes, i know that that's a name of a movie, and no that was not intended) and preventing him to be the man he wants to be.
K: Uhh... Krypton.
And she made sure to put her finger on her nose to make sure that her crinkle wasn't gonna form.
M: Do you wanna talk about it?
K: No, not really.
M: Well you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. Just know that I'll always be there for you.
K: Always?
M: Well as long as I'm on the alive and on this earth.
They sat on the bed in a comfortable silence. Then he heard her breath quicken, so he wrapped an arm around her. She unexpectedly moved closer to me curled up into a ball beside me. We stayed like that for a good 15 minutes until Alex and through the door.

Alex POV
A: Aha! I knew you two were together right now!
K: Alex? What are you doing here? How did get- wait a minute how did you know that we were together?
A: Come on Kara, he's the only daxamite on this earth. So I just had Winn run a scan for daxamites.
M: You're allowed to do that? And how did you get in?
A: Yes I'm allowed to do that and did you really expect me to not have a key to my sister's apartment?
K: Alex wipe that smirk off your face cause me and Mon-el are not back together because he's actually leaving tomorrow at like 5 pm.
A: Leaving? Where to?
M: To the future.
A: But why? You just got back.
M: Well the future needs saving.
A: If your leaving tomorrow, then why are you here?
K: He said that he wanted to spend his last day with me.
A: Awww, how romantic.
K: Alex! We are not back together!
A: Well you could've fooled me.

5:40 PM At DEO
Kara POV
K: Well I guess you gotta go now.
M: Yeah.
W: I'm gonna miss you buddy.
A: If you come back and break Kara's heart I will kill you. Got it?
M: Uh y-yeah. G-got it.
A: Good.
K: You don't need to scare him that much Alex.
J: You know I think Agent Danvers scared him just enough.
K: J'onn! Do not encourage her!
Kara and Mon-el hug.
K: Well I guess we'll set you later.
M: Bye.
A: Bye and remember what I told you.
W: See you later buddy.
K: Bye.
Kara, Alex, J'onn and Winn watch as Mon-el steps onto the ship and flys away.
K: Uhh so I need to get to Cat-Co, call me if you need me.
At Cat-Co
James POV
J: Hey Kara, I'm sorry that I missed Mon-el's departure.
K: It's fine.
J: Are you ok?
K: Well I'm as ok as I can be right now.

I know this story hasn't lived you to the promises in the summary of this story but I'm getting there so just bear with me for a little longer.

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