Chapter 1

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Every year gets easier.

Every breeze that fills my lungs makes me feel like I can heal.

It's been a hard decade but I'm still fighting for happiness.

Last month I turned 28 and on that day my boyfriend of 10 years proposed to me. I still can't believe he bought me a ring. I mean we aren't rich, Rent barely gets paid.

However I just got a new job and I can't wait. My last job I worked the emergency room for a hospital in Busan and I didn't like it. I loved helping people that's why I became a doctor but losing patients just ate me alive.

While Jaebum and I were in college we weren't together. It was hard but we called and saw each other whenever we could. He ended up going to the same college as his older brother Jace. I on the other hand got a full scholarship to a college in the states. I had a translator and everything.

I stayed with Jackson and his father Mr.Wang since the day I showed up on Jackson's porch in the pouring rain. Every vacation and holiday I would come back there. Jaebum understood I still needed space.

4 months ago I finally felt ready to get a place with him. We got a small 2 bedroom. We share a room and my half brother stays in the other.

Oh yeah my lovely father had another son just a year after I was born. He is a jerk most of the time but we only put up with him because our grandmother helps pay for the rent.

She is a very rude woman and seems to really hate me since I'm the reason why her son is locked up. I met her and my half brother in court along with other family that I had no interest in meeting.

Jaebum and my other hyungs have been my rocks though. With everything that happened they have stuck by me supporting me but not carrying me. If they did everything for me I would of stayed broken and fragile at least now I can call myself a survivor.

"Hey Babe how do I look?" I smiled at Jaebum as I came out of our bedroom to show him my outfit.

"Sweetie didn't we pick out your outfit last night?"

"We did yes.......but.....there was a small hole and I don't have time to sew it. It's okay I can just wear it tomorrow."

"You look like a gay twink porn star."

"Jacob! Shut up! How dare you disrespect your hyung like that!"

"Hyung its okay...... I'll just go change." Before I could walk away Jaebum grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers.

"Don't listen to that insulting idiot. You are beautiful and your outfit is just as beautiful on you. Want me to drive you?"

"How is it after all these years you can still make me melt with your words?" I smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

"I don't know My Dude I just got that charm." He gave me a teasing wink that just made me smile more.


"If you don't like it you can move out." I glared at my half brother as I folded my arms across my chest.

"If I do that then how will you be able to pay for this place?" He showed his disgusting smirk.

I really hate living with him. He looks a lot like our father and when he looks at me it's like our father is looking at me. I hated how that man looked at me.


"Babe." I gave Jaebum a look that told him to drop it. He looked a bit angry but let it go regardless.

"Fine so babe do you want a ride to work?"

"No it's have a project and if you work late again I don't want to be stranded." Jaebum sighed and gave me a kiss on the cheek before he left with his car keys in hand.

Their Ex "Friend" JKxBTS FFWhere stories live. Discover now