7. A visit to the dorm and an anouncement

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work so you decided to return then in the afternoonbecause you remembered his schedule and knew that he would be home. But firstyou had breakfast, helped out your best friend because she was hungover afterclubbing and drinking the whole night at the club. Then you put on a cuteoutfit, took your phone, keys, wallet, and lastly his sunglasses and left. Youtook the bus to the neighborhood and approached the gate where you were stoppedby a guard. You explained your situation, filled out paperwork about youridentity and then they let you thru. You walked up to the front door andknocked. It opened but instead of seeing Jimin you saw Jungkook. He freaked outwhen he saw you because he thought you were a seasang. He shut the door in yourface and ran to tell the other members. After a while the door opened again andyou saw all the members standing there together because they were too scared toopen the door alone. When Jimin saw you his face went pale and he looked likehe was about to faint. Thankfully he didn't. Instead of explaining why you werethere you just handed Jimin his glasses and said: "I am sorry but I guess Iaccidentally took them yesterday so I came to return them." The other memberswere shook by your words. He started blushing as the other members looked athim in confusion. You started to walk away but the members didn't let you gountil you explained everything. So you went inside and sat down. You didn'tknow how to explain this so you just looked at Jimin. He took a deep breath andsaid: "This is my girlfriend Y/N." You were as shocked as the rest of themembers when you heard that but you liked it so you went with his story. The members were verry shocked butat the same time happy for you two. They got to know you a little better andyou were just talking but then you got a call from your best friend. She washaving a verry bad headache so you had to go home and take care of her. Jiminoffered to give you a ride and you agreed so you went to his car. When you gotin you just looked him into his eyes and asked: "girlfriend?". He got a bit shybut he still answered saying: "yes if you want to." You gladly said: "I wouldlove to be your girlfriend." His eyes sparkled with you when he heard youranswer. After that he drove you home. Before you got out of the car you kissedhim on the lips again and this time, he kissed you back. You went home and tookcare of your best friend for the rest of the day. You didn't tell her the newsbecause it was too early. The following week you snuck out of the apartmentalmost every single night to meet up with Jimin and once even stayed at theirdorm. Thursday, he asked you out on a date. He took you to a fancy restaurant.After dinner you two went back to your place because your best friend was outof the city for a week. You walked in with Jimin and closed the door as he startedkissing you. You took his hand as he follow you into your bedroom. You lockedthe door and he started to slowly take off your clothes and you started to take off his.

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