8. Dance practise and the evening.

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He then threw you onto the bed and fucked you. He wasamazing. He then slept over and made you breakfast. That's when you felt likeyou were in an actual relationship with him. You cuddled together but sadly hehad to leave because he had dance practice. You didn't want him to go so youasked him if you could go with him and watch them practice. He gladly agreed sowhile he was putting on his clothes you put on some sweats because he told youit was going to be a long dance practice. You finished getting ready and thenyou both got into his car and drove to the studio on your way there he stoppedto get coffee for you, him and the rest of the members. When you arrived themembers and the staff were super friendly and treated you well. You watchedthem dance for at least 3 hours and then you went with the members to their dormand helped them cook dinner. You all ate dinner and talked. After that you allwatched a movie and took photos together. It was pretty late when the movieended so slept over in Jimins room. This time he didn't want to go sleep at thecouch, instead he slept with his hands around your waist and didn't let go. Youslept in one of his shirts. In the morning when you woke up you carefully gotup without waking Jimin up and went to the bathroom. You looked good so youdecided to take some mirror selfies. All of a sudden Jimin walked in andinstead of saying anything he just put his hands around your waist. You were abit shocked and stopped taking pictures. " I thought it would be a prettypicture of you and me together, but I guess you aren't going to take it" hesaid. You giggled and took the picture. It was gorgeous so you immediately setit as your lock screen. He set it as his lock screen too. Sadly you couldn'tstay for breakfast because you had to go to work that day so you changed andJimin dropped you off at your place. You got ready and went to work. Everythingwas going as normal until a postman came into the hospital and gave you abouquet of flowers and a sealed envelope. All your co-workers were surprised.You opened the letter. It just said: miss you already. You knew it was fromJimin but you didn't tell anyone. You just acted surprised as if you had noidea who send that. On your lunch break you took a picture of the flowers andthe letter and texted it to Jimin and thanked him for the gorgeous flowers.They made your day better. He was happy to hear that. You also posted a photoof the flowers on your story and you got a lot of lovely comments. People whopersonally knew you were happy to see you happy. When you came home from work,you put the flowers into a vase while your best friend was asking you who theywere from. You didn't want to tell her. She kept asking but eventually gave up.You put down your phone and made dinner. You were peacefully eating when yougot a notification. She saw your lock screen and almost chocked on her food.You quicky hid your phone and gave her a glass of water. When she stoppedchoking, she looked at you with a 

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