The Decision has Been Made

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(Author: I'm back! This is Book 2, as promised! If you haven't read the first 1 then go and read it and I'm sorry that it's spread across 2 accounts. Anyways, this whole book will be in the third person, and here are a few reminders)

'....' = A thought or quote/quotation marks

"....." = Speech/dialogue 

Y/N = Your Name

N/Y/N = New Name

N/N = Nick Name

V/N = Villain Name

S/N = Sibling's Name

Let's get into it! 

Quickly, your eyes snapped open. Once you had observed your location, which was a small room with a closet, a drawer, a very small window and the bed that you were currently laying on, you tried to remember what series of events had lead up to this.

'Let's see,' you thought, 'I had been kidnapped by my friends, the League of Villains, had talked with Toga about becoming a villain and the last thing I remember was some black goo coming out of our mouths and teleporting us somewhere.'

When you looked at the tiny window, you could see how dark it was outside and assumed that it was night time. You attempted to move your arms, get up from the bed and stretch but found that your hands and feet had been cuffed to the bed frame— you also tried to use your quirk but nothing happened so you realised that the things restricting your movement were quirk-cancelling handcuffs and that you could do nothing but wait for your kidnappers to set you free. The keys to the handcuffs were on the other side of the room, taunting you as you laid there perfectly still and fuming with rage.

Whilst that was happening, the League was having a debate about you actually.

"Tomura~ Did we really have to chain (Y/N)-chan~?" Toga whined to her boss.

"For the last time Toga, we do because she hasn't agreed to join us yet and is still technically a hero. What if she escapes?" Shigaraki retorted, scratching his neck from annoyance.

"I know but she's our friend-"

"No means no Toga!" Shigaraki yelled, causing the blonde psycho to fall silent and pout a little.

"Calm down Tomura, we don't need any conflict between ourselves now, do we? The same goes for your Toga," Kurogiri said calmly.

"Fine...." they grumbled.

Suddenly, someone walked in and said, "Sorry I'm late, UA is being too protective. They've installed dorms that are 5 minutes away from the main campus to keep the students safe. I also brought something, it's a journal that Y/N wrote in. Here."

The mysterious person tossed the book to Dabi and then left as quickly as they had come. (Author: Who do y'all think that was?)

"Ooh~ Let me see! I wanna read it!" Toga squealed, jumping up and down.

"Judging by the title of this, I don't think that any of us should read this..." Dabi grimaced.

"Why? What's it called?" Twice asked, "Not like I care anyways."

"It's called 'Record of the Wreckage in my Life'. It's sound kinda cringy but this is probably way too personal to be reading without her permission and we wouldn't want to upset her when we're trying to get her on our side," he explained.

"Ok then," Toga faltered but quickly regaining her excitement, "Wait! There's  a song that says 'I keep a record of the wreckage in my life'! She must have great taste in music! The song's called-"

Determined Villain (mha x villain fem reader) Book 2 [ON HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now