Chapter 1

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    "Emris, get up! You don't want to be late for school now, do you?" At the sound of her mother's voice, Emris sleepily rose from her bed. She changed her clothes and made her way downstairs to meet her parents for breakfast. They exchanged glances and then her dad began, "Emris, we need to talk about your academic performance lately." With those words, Emris began to panic. Afterall, it wasn't her fault she wasn't able to focus.
    "Honey, your grades have dropped significantly this semester. What's going on? Do we need to take the phone away?" Her mother said, in a not-asking-but-telling tone. "What, No my phone has nothing to do with this. I don't know what's happening, but I just can't seem to focus anymore during class." Her mother scoffed. "Trust me, I know how much of a distraction that phone is. I think it's time we stop allowing you electronics for a while. Eat up, it's time for school."
    Emris was fuming. After all, they're the ones who raised her, so if anything, it's more their fault than hers! On her way out the door to go get on the bus, she glanced towards the forest down the street. She looked around cautiously, and then bolted to the woods.
    Looking around the forest, Emris was in awe. This place was magical! She swore the river was glowing. She dropped her bookbag and went to sit next to the magical looking water. She sighed and began, "Why does Mom always get like this? It's just not fair. I mean, it's not like she lets me have friends. What else does she want me to do? I just want this day to be over already!" As she continued to grumble under her breath her frustration grew to anger, and eventually she let out a scream of frustration.
    Just then, something strange happened. The "glowing" river began to actually glow. And it wasn't the only thing glowing; her hair was glowing purple! The water began to flow faster, the wind blew rapidly, and the ground was rumbling. This was enough to distract her from her frustrations and send her running home.
    "MOM! DAD! WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED?!" Emris frantically paced around the room as her parents rushed to the kitchen. "Why aren't y-" her mother began, but stopped as soon as she saw the glow fading from Emris' hair. Her parents exchanged looks, then sat down at the table in unison. "Honey, I think it's time we have a talk."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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