Chapter Twenty One - MAGIC

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I felt a soft smile tug at my lips—a teasing Beast was a lot easier to deal with than a pained one. As if I'd imprinted the image of his agony and despair to memory, it appeared before my eyes as a reminder of what the Sins had been through.

Those Serpahics didn't know what was coming for them.

"What are you guys waiting for?" Envy shot her siblings a dirty look. "I want to eat." She shrugged, placing a morsel of what looked to be a mouthwatering waffle into her mouth.

A tut sounded behind me. "So bad, Envy. Always so impatient."

I swivelled at the masculine voice. Two blue eyes glared over my head, shooting daggers at Envy's. The shade of their gazes were just as intense as the other and I found myself turning silently back around toward my plate.

Envy looked up from her plate and the look she shot the man had my blood running cold.

She locked her hands beneath her chin. "Ah, Grat." She blew him a kiss and Beast snorted beside me. "I've missed you so much."

"Last I knew, you hated Gratitude." Wrath said as he scratched the back of his neck, his eyes wandering around behind the blue-eyed male.

"I have a long list of people I hate. You included."

Wrath loosed a chuckle before he continued to hunt for whoever he was searching for.

"Have Patience, Wrath." Gratitude grinned, settling down besides Envy. "I'm sure she'd say the same to you."

Gratitude's icy hair was a shock beside the pitch-black of Envy's. They continued to watch each other like hawks, waiting for their prey to make one wrong move before they would pounce for each other's necks.

"I thought they were mates," I whispered to Beast. "Why does your sister look like she wants to murder Gratitude and then hand his body upside-down?"

Another low chuckle rumbled from him. "The mating bond hasn't clicked into place yet. It'll all happen when the Serpahics deem fit."

My forehead knitted together. "You talk about them like they're some God."

"Not a God," he let out a sharp breath, "but the closest thing we'll ever have to one."

I was already well aware of the extents the Seraphics would go to in order to keep law and order.

And if they were who the Sins believed to be their God, then so be it. I'd never see them as anything but the forces that had me stuck here, arranged between creatures of Virtues and Sins.

"Patience and Wrath are the only ones that have begun to show signs. Right now, they're restless to be in each other's company—soon they won't be able to take their hands off each other. But Gluttony and Temperance, for example, don't even look at each other."

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