hot and heavy

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The week after the meal I made was well very awkward, bucky tried to avoid me at all costs so Tony or Sam wouldn't make fun of him.
When they had found out I used to cook for him they started teasing him which usually ended up with Sam and bucky fighting whilst Tony watched since he could pull the dead parents card so he didn't have to fight.

Today I woke up early for a big breakfast and a book in the living room, the mornings were actually my favourite time of the day due to no noise and being at peace with my thoughts.
I heard the floor boards creak behind me so I slowly turned around to see Steve walking down the stairs with Sharon.

" hi guys, did you have a sleepover last night or something because Sharon doesn't have a room here " I tried to hold back a smirk to pretend I was clueless but their tomato faces could be seen from miles away.

" Steve was just showing me his.. wardrobe" Sharon nodded and sped off to the kitchen.

" Steve and Sharon sitting in a tree" jumping up off the sofa I walked past Steve into the kitchen chanting that loud enough for the whole compound to hear.

" we have briefing soon y/n and I know you're gonna love who you're going on a mission with" Steve hit my shoulder giggling like a child.

" hate you two now, I thought I wasn't going with him anymore since he's a hormonal old man who doesn't keep his hands to himself" I threw a grape in my mouth choking on it when I heard a loud voice behind me.

" its not nice to talk about people behind their back" bucky stood there arms crossed, not mad but not happy.

" technically you're behind my back right now so maybe i should be annoyed at you " I leant further down on the table infront of me feeling exhausted at the thought of another mission.

" anyway can we go to the briefing room Sharon id like to know what torture you guys are putting me through today" I smiled linking arms with Sharon and walking away from the boys.

" when you leant over that table bucky looked at your arse" I slapped Sharon playfully for even thinking a thing.

" oh shut up you're just seeing things, he couldn't hate me more if he tried" we giggled together then sat down waiting for everyone else.

Not sure why everyone was in the briefing room though, I know it will end up me and bucky alone again.
Maybe they just like my frustration.

" okay so bucky you will go straight into the building and take out all the guards you can see, then y/n you will be his look out so you two can plant the bugs"
I nodded my head, sounded easy enough id be home in like an hour.

" buttt you'll have to stay in a safe house over night because we have everyone else out on a mission of their own so no one can get you " Sharon pulled a sad face at me, she was only doing what she was told to but she still felt bad.

" awh y/n and bucky just like old times" Nat pipped up from the side of me.

" don't you start misses ill have you walk straight out of that window" I scowled playfully at her.


" okay y/n you stay behind me in the car and wait until I signal you" bucky looked at me so I gave him a quick nod and looked away displeased.

Why was it always him I ended up with.

I watched bucky as he ran out infront of 20 armed soldiers and took down every single one of them, he carried on towards the building but I saw a soldier in the Bush aiming right at bucky.
Running out of the car I pushed him out of the way just as the solider shot at him.
Looking towards the soldier I made him knock himself unconscious before turning back to bucky.

" hey are you alri- "
" just get on with the mission y/n you're wasting time".

Alright rude not like I didn't just save his life maybe.
Standing up on my feet the side of my waist burned.
" ouch, shit "
" you'll heal let's go" bucky stormed off and shot a massive hole where the door should've been.

Bucky shot up soldiers as I planted bugs whilst taking control of some scientists.
The bugs were so we could listen up on their new plans if they decided to stay at this base thinking we were done with it.

Me and bucky finished up and headed to the car so he could drive us to the safe house.
" why are you so mardy ?"
His face was knotted with anger, it was very unsettling to have to sit in the same car as someone who's silence was deafening.
The safe house was a beautiful little wooden cabin with a sofa and pull out bed so we didn't have to share or sleep on the floor, it also had fresh running water from a stream.

Setting my bags down I turned around to bucky. He had to talk to me, im not staying quiet.

" omg James what is wrong with you!" I practically shouted at him.

" you y/n, you're whats wrong with me" he stalked closer to where I was but I didn't budge.
" you got yourself hurt because you never listen to others you just think you know better" he towered over me but I wasn't scared at all, the anger was suffocating.

" would you rather of me let you got shot, you should be thanking me you ungrateful git" I stepped closer so we were toe to toe.

" you've never liked me, you probably wanted me to get shot"

" omg you absolute dickhead, yeah maybe you're not my most favourite person but I have my reasons. If you didn't forget I can quite easily show you your art work if you like. I should've let you get shot, maybe then you wouldn't be such a bitch"

Both of our chests were falling heavy with breaths and for a split second our eyes moved to each others lips then back to our eyes.

" now I'm going in the shower, when I get out you better be ready to apologise" I turned on my heel yanking my bag off the ground and stamping my way to the bathroom.

The water for the shower only took a few seconds to get hot, it was absolute bliss. All the negative feelings of today just washed away with all the blood and dirt.
That argument was intense, I was sure he looked at my lips but maybe it was just heat of the moment anger.

Stepping out of the shower I threw on some short shorts and a crop top that was only just big enough to cover my boobs.
Throwing a towel around my head I left the bathroom shoving past bucky who was walking in the opposite direction.

Oh fgs I left my hair brush in there, walking back into the bathroom I swung the door open to see bucky stood there topless.
" oh shit sorry James" I brought my hands to my eyes and felt around for my brush on the counter.
" I didn't hear the door close im sorry"
Running out of the bathroom with my hairbrush my heart was beating like I had just run 50 laps.

He was completely ripped and that arm, wow, he was really well built. Butterflies built in my stomach but slowly disappeared as I remembered the way he acted today.

——— bucky pov

Holy shit my heart is beating fast, I don't know if she realised but she started at me for a very long time especially at my arm.
Maybe she's never seen the scars before, I hope it didn't scare her.

I'm not sure why I got so angry with her, maybe because she nearly got herself killed to save me..not something I'm used to.
Should've just said thanks, she's right buck that was a dick move.

But wow she looked amazing. Those tiny shorts, with her hair up and when she brought her arms up to shield her face the top she was wearing exposed her underboob.
Very glad Im going in the shower now since I'm sweating like a mad man.
The arguing today was well..something, it was very hot and heavy and I swear she looked at my lips for a second.
Maybe it was the heat of the moment.

The bed arrangements were simple, he was too much of a gentleman to take the bed and I was too much of a drama queen to even offer the bed.
He deserves the sofa anyway, his behaviour was disgusting and he hasn't even apologised for saying what he did.
Maybe he meant it, maybe he really did think that low of me to want him hurt.

I didn't get a wink of sleep that night, I don't imagine bucky did either. Too much emotion in this room to let any of our minds rest.

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