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Me and bucky spent the rest of the day together enjoying the sun and making food, when the team were around we'd act like strangers.
He'd still show his affection through catching my eye and holding my back when we walked.

As I walked into the kitchen Nat grabbed my arm and yanked me through the compound into the training room. Seems everything important happens in here.

" do you have anything to tell me y/n?" She stood their with her arms folded and her eyebrows raised like I was getting told off.

" umm no I don't think so..why?" She definitely knew, when did Nat not know.

" don't make me spell it out for you dee, I heard you talking to Steve now tell me what the hell happened I thought you hated bucky?!" She sounded mad, or protective but whatever it was I wasn't going to lie.

"... that night after the date you set me up with, bucky comforted me and we spent the whole night talking and we've been doing that ever since" I smiled to myself thinking about how nice he had been.
" then at Tony's party we hooked up, thats all it is really".

" how was the sex"

" omg Nat don't" I smacked her arm and covered my obviously burning face.

" come on you haven't had any in a good year or 2 so come on I won't say anything" This was payback, whenever she hooked up with someone I asked the same questions.

" omg..fine.." my grin grew trying not to laugh " it was really good, like best I've ever had".

" eww gross dee" Nat smirked at me.

" don't make me embarrassed or I'll never tell you anything again"

" okay fine I'm happy that you got some and I won't tell anyone btw or at least I'll try." I gave her a hug to thank her and we left the training room to go into the living room.

" ladies, Stark has had another brilliant idea. Team party tonight just us". Thor announced to me and Nat.

" will we be drinking?" I asked Tony but my eyes lingered on bucky for a while, trying to stay away from him tonight is going to be painful.

" of course, we're not 5" Tony stood up to walk away from us all.
" and please dress sexy again ladies and gents".

" Wanda, Nat and Sharon shall we get ready Together again?" I held out my arms so we could all walk together.

Like Tony demanded, we all got dressed up in our sexiest outfits.
All of us in short low cut dresses in a range of different colours.
We did look hot.

Sending bucky another quick photo of my dress Nat Pulled me out of the room with the rest of the girls.

" I hope we play drinking games tonight" Nat smirked looking right at me, I looked like a deer in headlights.
Oh crap

" Ah the women have arrived" Sam stood up to hug us, he was already drunk and by the looks of it having a wonderful time.
There were enough drinks to kill us all and many bowls of crisps.
Thor brought more of his asgardian alcohol for us to get hammered on.

After a bit of dancing, drinking and gossiping it was time for Tony to make us play a game.

" alright everyone create a circle on the floor please, we're playing 7 minutes in heaven whoever the bottle lands on has to go in the cupboard with the person you get what I mean" great that was Tony gone too.

My head was feeling dizzy and my heart raced looking at bucky opposite me.
Sharon span first landing on Steve, lucky spin.

" great now it's gonna be all sweaty when everyone else goes in" sam shouted pretending to gag on his fingers.
It was true though, that cupboard is going to be gross soon.

Throughout each round there was a lot of chat. Tony and wanda went in next, they wouldn't do anything obviously but it was still fun.
Tony wouldn't let Peter play so he had to watch from the sofa and join in on the chats.

Sam spun the bottle and it landed on bucky which caused the whole room to burst out in laughter.
" have fun boys" Nat winked at them as they scowled.
After a few minutes of them in the cupboard they started arguing about redwing, bucky was saying it was too invasive and Sam was naturally disagreeing.

After they came out it was buckys turn to spin, spinning it with anger it took a good 30 seconds to stop and when it did I choked on my drink.
Nats and steves faces were looking between us smirking but trying to hide their happiness.

" please don't kill each other in there that would be a lot of clean up for some poor cleaner" Tony joked and we locked the door behind us.

Luckily we could here everyone else laughing and talking behind the door so at least they weren't listening.
The room was small enough that we were practically squished together, can't imagine how funny this was for Sam and bucky.

" hi y/n"

Even him saying my name made me want to do horrible but fun things to him.

" Hey Bucky" I smirked pulling him closer by his belt.

Our lips fell together like they needed each other, tasting like asgardian alcohol and lust.
I bit and pulled his bottom lip and grinned at his red face.

" ouch that's not very nice dee" he put his hands around my back and pulled me closer to him, I could feel the beginning of a boner start to sport in his trousers.

" what will the others say bucky barnes" I teased pulling lightly on the back of his hair.

" if you don't want them knowing you'll have to use your abilities to some how hide it orr"

" ill use my powers"

Right on time Tony swung open the door but we had already moved apart and I made myself look very displeased.
Walking out of the cupboard I used my powers to make everyone close their eyes until we sat down. It was cheeky to use my powers on them but it worked.

" what just happened?" Sam looked around to see if everyone had just experienced it.

" what happened?" I pulled my eyebrows together and tilted my head like a dog.

" I couldn't open my eyes, could you guys?" Everyone agreed with sam except Nat and Steve who probably knew it was for the best.

" that's really weird anyway I've got a headache so I'm going to go to my room" I waved bye to everyone and chucked my heels off as soon as I stepped inside the room. Buckys room.

A/n if you few people who read this have any chapter ideas please comment, i take constructive criticism quite well <3

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