17 Music

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Today while laying on the bed listening to songs I just realised that music has just become an integral part our lives. Everything that we do involves music. No situation is complete without music. Music is present everywhere.

Be it while running, exercising, walking, having nothing to do,travelling or even while sleeping.

All special occasions have music in them. Music has just somehow made itself so much important to us that without it the whole world kind of feels dead. Most of the solutions to our problems have music in it.

Need to zone out someone. Earplugs in.

Feeling lonely, bored ,happy , sad? Earplugs on.

Had a bad breakup?? Time for some music to keep that person out of your mind.

Tired of working ?? Some soothing music is the best.

And the amazing part is it actually always works its magic.

Music adds meaning to every situation of life.

And on the top the movies just make us want have music in every walk of life.

When you are happy.. U enjoy the beats.

When you are sad you understand the lyrics .

And they come in every shape size and situations.

Pop, country,classical,rock, indie pop,etc etc

It is for everyone..


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