The sun crept through the dark shadows of the clouds as the wind flew the small opening in the dusty window. It was a chilly October evening, and Remus was cleaning up the felt blocks that baby Mara tolled across the living space. Mara was almost a year and a half old, yet she was almost able to form full sentences. Not very understandable sentences sometimes, but she was far more intelligent than most children her age.
Remus smiled as Mara snatched the felt blocks out of his hands. As the world around them seemed to be falling apart as each minute passed, in Mara's little world it was just her, Remus (or as Mara called him, Da), Sirius, James, Lily, and Harry.
As much as their parents wish they could stay in their little bubble forever, they all knew it wasn't possible. More and more deaths each day. A couple of months prior, one of those victims has been Mara's sweet mother, Mary. Lily and Mary had been close friends their years at Hogwarts. She being James and Lily's biggest cheerleader. Mara was too young to realize she had a mother there, nevertheless, she still had vague memories of the young woman.
Remus wished he could tell Mara about her mother, but it was too hard on him. Mara didn't even understand the fact that Sirius was more than a friend to Remus. Hardly anyone did. Only the closest friends to the couple knew. It was too dangerous, being gay wasn't very accepted during the time. People were fighting for their rights. They couldn't handle two wars at once.
It was a quiet night, almost seemed too quiet. It felt as if the world was paused. Just Remus, Sirius, and Mara in their little haven. They wished for it to stay like this forever, yet they know that wouldn't be the case. A war raging on around them, there was no time to pause.
"Padfoo!" Mara giggled as she rolled around on the carpet of the bedroom. Toys everywhere, yet the two men didn't care. They just had each other.
Mara couldn't pronounce 'Padfoot' correctly, and it was her first word and so the name Padfoo stuck. The shock on Sirius' face when Mara first spoke. He burst into tears as Lily took a picture, struggling to not start laughing. Undeniably, James was very dramatic about the whole situation.
"I cannot believe her first word wasn't Prongs!" He exclaimed to a laughing Remus. James turned to Remus and noticed the gleam in his eye, and all anger was erased. If his best friend was happy, so was he.
"I cannot believe Sirius hasn't said a word in five minutes." He replied. "I guess he's still shocked."
Shocked was an understatement. He was truly dumbfounded. His little girl's first word. Sirius picked up the little girl as she giggled and Harry clapped and threw her up in the air.