Prologue: Chocolate Frog Troubles

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(A/n): Hey guys! I'm so excited to start writing this. I recommend you read this because it is crucial for the plot. For the sake of the plot, Hermione and Everly's aunt is going to be a wizard. Also, Everly is going to be a little part veela bc why not. Enjoy reading! Also, if you catch any grammar mistakes let me know in the comments!

Platform 9 ¾ quarters

September 1st, 1991 11:00 am

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ ⚯ ➵ ♆

"Textbooks and galleons?" My mom queried.

"Check." Hermione and I reply.

"Wand and trunk?" She continues.

"Check." We respond. I take in my surroundings. The large, beautiful train on the tracks. A slight smell of toasted marshmallow. Families saying goodbye. The large circular sign with 9 ¾ in bold numbers. More excitement builds up on me.

"I made sure to triple check Everly's and I's trunk," Hermione retorted. I nod my head.

"Bye, mom and dad! I'll miss you. We'll be here for Christmas." I say.

"Suck up," Hermione whispers. I pretend to not hear it.

"Bye our magical kid! We are so proud of both of you." Our mom speaks.

"Mum... it's a wizard going to Hogwarts." I groan.

"Oo Richard, add it to our list of wizard vocabulary. Sorry honey.. Your dad and I are still learning more about wizards. Nevertheless, your aunt and I are so proud of you. Your aunt couldn't make it today. She had I believe mistry work." Mum recalled.

"Mum I think you mean Ministry Work. I read it in A Guide to Medieval Sorcery. The Ministry of Magic was founded in 1707 to succeed the earlier Wizards' Council, with Head of the Wizengamot Ulick Gamp serving as the first Minister for Magic, from 1707-1718." Hermione states out loud.

"Yes, we get it walking textbook," I replied.

"Everly Mae nice to your older sister. I don't know how you guys are going to make it through school together." Our dad sighs. I shrug my shoulders.

"You guys are going to be late. We need to say our last goodbyes." Our mom utters. Hermione and I both hug our parents and wave bye.

"See you at Christmas!" Our parents yell.

We both take our trolley and hop on the red, steaming train called Hogwarts Express. Brown compartments run up and down the aisle of the train.

"I am going to find a compartment to read. You're welcome to join me." Hermione requests.

"Noo...I could never disturb you while you read our entire list of books for class." I answer.

"It's better to be prepared for class. I'm not going to let you copy off me." She says.

"Please.. I can do my own work. I'm smart." I bicker. Hermione rolls her eyes and scoffs.

"Bye, sister." I say walking in the opposite direction.

"Oh, bye Everly. I'll come by to remind you to change in your robes." She demanded walking away. I continue walking through the aisles looking at the older kids laughing. None of them seem my age. I stop by one compartment with 2 blokes my age in it. One has light, short brown hair and brown eyes. The other has black, curly hair. I slid open the door and both of them turn towards me.

"Erm.. hi. Mind if I sit here? I'm new." I ask.

"Sure." the brown-haired bloke says in a Scottish accent. I was taken back with the heavy scottish accent. I have never heard anything like it.

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