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Lauren Scott is top in her class, with two best friends and a reputation that's guaranteed to land her into a good college. Her life is great, until she's assigned to help a new boy transfer into her school. This should be the perfect opportunity for Lauren, a chance to prove she can handle responsibility. But there's only one problem; Albert Aretz is the most arrogant person she's ever met.

Despite being unable to get along, the two are forced to constantly be around each other. Their differences clash, but what happens when Orlando's best student begins to catch feelings for none other than the brash new kid?



(feel free to skip to get to the actual story)


1. Respect Albert's boundaries

     For obvious reasons, there will be no smut in this book. Albert is a big part of my childhood, and writing those kinds of things about those who raised me over the internet is something I'm not comfortable with doing. I am aware of the fact that Albert is in a very happy relationship with Kirsten, and this book was made purely for entertainment.

     And like I said in my previous book, if Albert approaches his fanbase and tells them he's not okay with this sort of thing, I will delete this book without hesitation.

     I also do not actively watch Albert's videos as much as I used to, so I apologize if he says something and I don't realize right away. Please inform me as soon as possible if he does.

2. There will be mild cursing

     The setting is high school. Teenagers curse. I'll try not to overdo it, obviously, but please keep in mind that this book is not suited for young children and that informal words will be said.

3. Expect slow updates

     I like writing, but it's hard when you're in the middle of a writer's block and there's people shouting at you to hurry up. If I announce that the book is going on hold, respect that. I will ease myself back into writing at my own pace.

that being said, thank you guys so much for everything. it's been a while since i've actively written anything on this account, and i'm glad to be back and with more ideas. love you guys :D

 love you guys :D

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