The Great Ponyta Race!

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Our heros have made it almost to Violet City, but Ryan sees something that he doesnt wanna miss out on

"Isaiah look!" Ryan says. He looks at a flyer on a Pokemon Center. With a picture of a Ponyta on it.

"Whats it say?" Isaiah says.

"It says: Welcome all newcomers or skilled racers, as our 25th Annual Ponyta Race will conmence around 2:00 today, make sure you register before the race so you can enter. Very Limited. Have Fun!"  Ryan says.

"Woah... A Ponyta race? Ive never done one of those before but it sounds amazing, riding one of the fastest fire types in history. We need to enter!!" Ryan says excited.

" gym battle.." Isaiah groans.

"Cmon, you need to train your team up anyway if your trying to beat that gym, cmon and also this is good practice for trusting Pokemon alongside you." Ryan says.

"I suppose... Alright im in!" Isaiah says.

They got to the booth to register for there slot in the the race. The person at the front desk gives the two numbers for the Ponyta there riding.

"I got number 12." Isaiah says.

"I got number 7." Ryan calls out.

They go and meet there Ponyta there gonna be using for the race. 

"Wow...a real Ponyta, its so cool looking.." Ryan says amazed.

"Yeah these guys look really fast." Isaiah says.

The man who runs the Ponyta Race shows up. And goes over to talk to Isaiah and Ryan.

"Hello there youngsters I suppose you two are entering the race?" He says

"Yes we are sir... sorry but I just love Ponyta. There so interesting and loyal and kind Pokemon." Ryan says gladly.

"I see your a big fan of Ponyta, hahaha! Thats good to hear! Im glad." The man says.

"You see...I wanna become the best fire type trainer across the whole region! And now I can say I have gotten to ride a Ponyta." Ryan says.

"Best fire type trainer huh? Haha! Splendid!" The man laughs.

The race was about the start and everyone took there places for the Ponyta Race. Isaiah goes next to Ryan for the race.

"Your going down Ryan, my Ponyta is the fastest one!" Isaiah brags to Ryan.

"Yeah right dude!" Ryan laughs.

The countdown goes off and there off! Ryan taking a strong lead in first place, Isaiah is behind the whole group.

"Ponyta, speed up where gonna lose.." Isaiah groans.

Team Rocket walks around the forest they were in with Isaiah and Ryan.

"Oohh.. those twerps launching us off like that!" Jessie yells aloud.

"Hey relax would ya, where tryna catch Pokemon Jessie!" Meowth barks.

Yeah let's find some powerful-!" James gets cut off while bumping into a Pokemon.

"Hey that looks like a Mareep, hey there little guy sorry for bumping into you. Here, some Pokemon food."

"Hey! That's my food!" Meowth yells.

James offers the food to the Mareep, the Mareep sniffs James hand and proceeds to enjoy the snack he gave it.

"Maa-a-a!" Mareep says happily rubbing against James.

While James head is static he gets up and ask the Mareep a question.

"Hey little Mareep what do you say you join us? We can be powerful together?" James asked.

The Mareep jumped into James Pokeball.


"I caught a Mareep!" James said.

"Ohh good job James! Now we can stop those twerps from getting in our way!" Jessie says while hugging James.

Back in the Ponyta Race, Ryan and Isaiah are tie in the race, keeping a steady pace. Both Ponyta's trying there best to win. Until...

"Mareep, ThunderShock!" James said.

A quick jolt of electricity comes across both Ponyta's Ryan dodge's the ThunderShock, while Isaiah and his Ponyta get hit.

"OW!" Isaiah yells.

"Ponyyy!" Ponyta yells.

Ryan stops his Ponyta. He gets off and goes in front of the Ponyta.

"I can sense you have the moves: Headbutt, and Flame Wheel right?" Ryan says.

Ponyta nods it head, and Ryan says.

"Go Ponyta use Headbutt! On Mareep!"

Ponyta hits Mareep while Mareep gets hit pretty hard. Mareep gets up and smirks at the Ponyta. Ryan confused, notices that Ponyta got hit with paralysis from Mareep's Static Ability.

"Way to go! Mareep! Now use It once more!" James said.

Ryan looked at Ponyta.

"I can sense all fire types aura, cause I'm going to become a Fire Type Master!!"

He runs in front of the ThunderShock to hit him instead of Ponyta. Ponyta looks super worried at Ryan while he's getting zapped. Ponyta tries to get up but barely can stand up.

"Haha we got both of em!" Jessie says with delight.

Ryan gets up and throws a Pokeball.

"G-go...Slugma!" He groans and falls again.

Out comes Slugma, ready to battle. He sees his trainer worried about him and Slugma starts getting angry.

"Slugma use Ember on Ponyta!" Ryan said.

Slugma uses Ember on Ponyta, and its Ability, Flash Fire which raises its fire power, took away the paralysis, and stood up on all four again.

"Now Ponyta use Flame Wheel, and Slugma use Ember on Mareep!" Ryan yells.

As both Pokemon use there moves, Jessie, James, and Meowth start to worry. As fire moves charge up at them. Launching them up into the air.

"I'm still happy I caught a Pokemon!" James said.

"I'm not, cause...Were blasting off again!" Jessie said.

Ryan, Slugma, and Ponyta ran to Isaiah and his Ponyta. Slugma used Ember on his Ponyta which got Ponyta back up again, Isaiah and Ryan where sad when they didnt win the race. The host ran up and said to Ryan.

"Since I saw your true act of bravery and confidence, I've decided that you may bring that Ponyta with you on your  travels if you wish. When you said that you wanted to become a fire type master trainer, I knew that giving you this Ponyta would get you one step ahead and to become a fire type master."

Ryan looked at the Ponyta.

"Would you like that Ponyta, would you wanna join me, and become the best!?" Ryan asked.

"Ponyta!!" Ponyta said.

As Ryan grabbed his Pokeball, they all watched him catch the Ponyta. He looked at his Pokeball and gave it a big hug.

"Now you take good care of that Ponyta please, it was the very first one that I raised. So please look after it!" The host said.

Ryan nodded and they went off with the newly caught Pokemon. Now will they make it to Violet City, for Isaiah's gym battle?

Ryan's new caught Pokemon, Ponyta is now apart of his fiery family. What will happen next to the two of them. As the adventures continue.

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