Merry Christmas

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short story on meredith and derek celebrating christmas as boyfriend and girlfriend. (they have been together for 2 years in this)

it was early christmas morning and the apartment that meredith and derek lived together in. derek was the first one awake as always, he looked over at the sleeping body next to him and he couldn't help but smile. he leaned over and moved her hair off her face so he could kiss her forehead, as he did that she lightly stirred awake and fluttered her eyes open. "good morning" meredith told derek "morning" derek told her as he leaned in to kiss her. "come on get up it's christmas" derek said excitedly "okay okay i'm coming, i'm coming" meredith said while laughing. they made their way into the living room and derek went to grab them coffee while mer waited in the living room. once he came back they sat down together and started opening gifts, after all gifts were open derek had one last surprise for her. he got on one knee and opened up the velvet box "meredith grey you make me the happiest person on earth and i never want to live without you, will you marry me?" meredith had tears flowing down her face as she said "yes,yes a million times yes" derek put the ring on her finger and kissed her passionately. after the moment was over they decided to go make breakfast and cookies. mer wanted to mess around so she grabbed a small handful of flour and threw it at derek, derek was shocked and before he knew it meredith was running away and he was chasing her around the apartment. the sound of her giggles while running filled his ears and he couldn't help but smile. derek had finally caught meredith from behind and wrapped his arms around her waist as they both stopped to catch their breath. she turned around in his arms and kissed him after they broke apart she told him "merry christmas i love you fiancé" derek smiled at her and said "merry christmas i love you too"

this probably sucks and i'm sorry i haven't been updating i was stuck on what to write and this just popped into my head so sorry it's short and that it sucks. leave ideas or suggestions for future chapters! i'm working on my other book right now so thank you for being patient with me. have a good day/night guys!! peace out

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