Story 1

354 1 9


Au: Royal; Izuku = Prince; Kirishma = Guard

word count at end not including this

I'm  still a beginner so don't judge also go check out my friend Rileylking

Izuku point of view:

I woke up this morning extremely happy because today  is my boyfriends birthday.I ran over to my closet and grabbed a cloak and my usual outfit. I run over to the desk and grab a little box, then literally run to the tree me and him always meet under. I can't wait to see his beautiful face again.

Kirishma point of view: 

I hurry to the tree we always meet at, and thank the lord , he actually showed up. I always wonder why he choose me, I mean I'm just a lowly guard and he's a prince,but I.m happy he choose me because I love him to much to imagine a life without him now.

Izuku point of view:

As my pebble appears my smile just brightens and I can't help it. I run over to him to give him a big and a kiss. When I look at him he is as red as his, I can't believe he still gets flustered when I do that. I chuckle" Are you okay,pebble?" Some how he turns even redder. He looks away," Y-Yeah, I'm okay." He turns back and I just smile at him."Happy Birthday my pebble". You remembered, I knew you were manly." I look at him and burst out laughing, then he starts laughing too. About 5 minutes later we finally stop laughing. "Pebble I have something I want to ask you."

Kirishma point of view:   

I look at him with a confused look. He grabs my hands and stands in front of me. "Yes?" My eyes widen as he gets on one knee and pulls out a little box. In the box is a small ring with a golden band and a ruby on it. "Z-Zuzu what are you doing." I feel like I'm going to pass put right now." My Dear Kirishma, will you do the honor of loving me eternally and be my little peble forever?" I just look into his green eyes and I start crying. " Yes!!" We hugged for a solid 10 minutes before he pulled away from the hug. He slid the ring on my finger and kissed my forehead. "I love you" " I love you to Zuzu"

The End 

word count: 371

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