⌕ :: KTH [fluff] 🃏

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you woke up and immediately reached over to check your phone. you texted a few people and went through your social media before putting your phone back on the desk next to you.

you rolled over and saw taehyung fast asleep. his hair was a mess, so you brushed some strands out of the way before kissing his forehead. he woke up and groaned, "mm..sleepy.." Taehyung spoke and draped an arm over you. "hey, what do you want to eat for breakfast?" you asked him.

"just stay with me for a little bit longer. cuddling is always nice in the mornings," he replied and cleared his throat. "by the time i'm done cooking, you'll be fully awake. let me go make breakfast," you said to him. "b-but, ill be lonely without you in my arms," he pouted.

"Kim Taehyung, let me out of bed so our stomachs aren't empty later," you said to
him.  "no!" he pulled you into his arms and hugged you tight while burying his face in your neck.

"you're so needy for me this morning" you said to him and ran your hand through his fluffy hair. you kissed his head. "i'm always needy for you," he replied and yawned. "so sleepy" he whined and held you tighter. "okay, okay, can't breathe. my lungs need room to breathe," you said to him and tried to push him away.

Taehyung loosened his grip around you and kissed your neck. thankfully, Taehyung loosened his grip enough to where you could slip out of his arms and out of bed. you practically ran into the bathroom so you could brush your teeth, and while you were in the bathroom, you could hear Taehyung whining.

"y/n, why are you so mean to me? I just want to hug my precious, tiny bean of a girlfriend!" Taehyung whined.  you left the bathroom and saw him hugging your pillow with a pout on his face. "hug me," he demanded.

"no," you said and left the room. you went into the kitchen and started making
breakfast for the two of you.  once you made breakfast, you put all of the food on a tray and went back to your bedroom, where Taehyung was still hugging your pillow and pouting.

"come on, eat," you said to him and put the tray on the bed.  Taehyung glared at you. "eat, you have practice later," you said to him. he still glared at you.

you rolled your eyes while grabbing some food with chopsticks, "oh my god, Taehyung, I'll cuddle with you afterwards you giant baby." he instantly  smiled and pulled you into his lap, "or we could cuddle now."

"eat your damn food." he flinched in fear, "w-why did you turn into scary y/n? where's my precious, tiny bean y/n?" "she went away because somebody won't eat," you said and drank some soup.

he pouted and started eating. "what's with that face?" you asked him. "i just really want to cuddle with you. that's the best way to spend my mornings," he said.

you kissed his cheek, "i told you that  we can cuddle after we eat, but i need to make sure that you eat since you have practice later" he smiled and then kissed  your forehead, "thanks, babe."

"you're very welcome," you said and both of you continued eating. once you two were done, the long-awaited cuddle session commenced.

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