⌕ :: MNY [fluff] 🃏

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The girl broke into a sweat. Her heart pounded, and her hand began to feel clammy against her bouncing knee. She began to pace back and forth, stomping her feet impatiently at each end of the room.

The very act of waiting was hurting her as the heart was still threatening to burst forth from her ribcage. The phone timer started beeping indicating that it has been 5 minutes already. Taking the pregnancy test in her sweaty hands, she felt a sudden sense of coldness taking over her fragile body.

The pregnancy test she took was positive, she didn't know how to react to it. She wondered if she should be happy or perhaps unhappy about it. She was pleased to know that there's a small life living inside her just as if there's a small bun inside the oven. Just the thought of being a mother made her smile.

But a part of her was scared as the thoughts of how her husband 'yoongi' would react to it brooded over her mind. Not that he didn't care about her. Perhaps the best way to describe him would be as a caring machine.

If she was sick, he'd care for her better than anyone else, but wouldn't hesitate to euthanize her if the situation called for it, nor would he shed a tear.

Him being the workaholic person he was, he was used to working for hours compulsively, not caring about his health due to which she wasn't sure if it's the right time for her to talk about this with him or not.

Leaving the pregnancy test on the table senselessly, she left the washroom with a heavy heart and a complicated brain.

[ KST :: 12:34 A.M ]

There she was, sipping her hot cappuccino and taking in the aroma of it thinking about how she's gonna face her cold-blooded husband. Taking a deep breath, she wondered how he would react once she'll let him know that she is pregnant.

She broke out of your trance once she heard the doorbell sound radiating through the house.
Her legs made their way towards the front door of their shared apartment. She opened the front door as the wooden door screeched.

She swung the door open just to meet one lad, who happened to be her husband. He had a coat hung over his shoulder and a bag in his other hand, looking exhausted. Passing him a smile, she opened the door for him. The guy dragged his exhausted self to the living room as she closed the door behind her.

Placing the bag on the couch, he plopped down on the sectional couch, gently tugging his tie to loosen it. Her heartbeat was now increasing time by time, the one step she took closer to him, the more anxious she started feeling.

"I'll just try to get out of this situation for now!" She mentally thought as she directly made her way towards the room they both shared leaving the guy all alone in the living room.

Entering the room, she heavily sighed as she brought herself towards the comfy satin bed. Laying down on the bed, the only thing that was running through her mind was "how will I tell him that I'm pregnant?"

She didn't notice but a tear made its way down her cheek as she wiped it away but Once that first tear broke free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream as she cried herself to sleep. On the other hand, Yoongi was still trying to process what happened as he munched on some chestnuts he found on the kitchen counter.

"I should go and check up on her" he trailed off, placing the chestnuts aside on the wooden table. He entered the room, just to see her sleeping on the bed as a smile was now plastered on his face. Taking off his coat and tie, he placed them in the closet.

He entered the bathroom to clean himself up but just at the moment when he was about to enter the shower, something caught his eyes.

"A... pregnancy test" he mentally thought as he hurriedly took the test in his hands. He felt his heart leapt up for joy. Throwing a t-shirt over his pale body, he makes his way out of the bathroom just to see her, who is now fully awake.

His eyes caught her, it was as if they were falling in love again. she ran her eyes up and down his figure, sighing. Yoongi made his way towards her. "Y/n, don't you feel like you wanna tell me something?" He questioned the poor girl who just woke up.

"What do you mean yoongi?" She said while scratching the back of her head to avoid his stare.
"Why didn't you tell me you're pregnant?" What she had heard had given her a terrible shock.

She was taken aback by his question as she mentally thought "how did he know?" "I was going to take a shower but this thing caught my eye!" He pointed at the pregnancy test. Yoongi sighed "babe, why didn't you tell me this sooner? You could've told me this when I came back from work." Yoongi exclaimed happily, caressing her head.

She felt a sense of reassurance, she thought of him to be unhappy about the pregnancy since she has never really heard him talking about this topic with anyone but at least that's what she thought.

Yoongi started waving his beautiful hands in front of her, making her break out of her trance as her eyes met Yoongi's optimistic ones. She noticed the happiness on Yoongi's face, "Y/n, you know I'm happy to have you and this little one so please don't question yourself. I may act cold towards everyone but I genuinely care about you and this little bean."

A small smile appeared on her face. Yoongi brought his forehead closer to her, making their noses brush against each other.

"I'm willing to change myself and everything is just for you two"

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