16: Ouija Board

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"Guys! Guys!" Ebony running into the room, falling and sliding on her face, painfully.

I winch "that'll hurt."

She gets up, seemingly unfazed as she throws herself at Jasmine, grabbing her shoulders and looking up at her "I saw Emma."

The look of disbelief that flashed across Jazz's and Pheb's faces hit me hard. "Eb, Emma's dead, you couldn't have seen her." Phebe says, walking over to her and putting a hand on her shoulder "we know it's hard but we have to face the facts."

She shook her head "no, she was alive I saw her in my dreams. She looked exactly the way she died, she's a ghost and is watching us," she looks around and whispers in a low voice "she's probably watching us right now."

I have to even admit, she sounds crazy "Ebony, your imagin-"

"I'm not imagining things." She snaps "she's here, I know it. Before we met you two, we promised each other something, if one of us would die, we'd visit the other. She kept her promise. It wasn't a dream, it was real. She was cold like she was dead, pale with the dust and dirt still on her face, the blood was still all over her clothes. She told me that she can't sleep as a ghost and can't touch anyone or thing."

Phebe and Jasmine both have each a look, they think she's crazy. "I'll prove it, Emma? Can you do something?"

"Do what? You idiot, I can't do anything!" I shout at her although she doesn't hear me and looks around, to see if something will happen.

"Okay, maybe she's not here now. But we can find a way to communicate to her, we'll buy and use a Ouija board."

"What!? Ebony we are not using one of those things! They attract evil spirits!" Phebe yells.

"But we'll be able to communicate with Emma!" Ebony shouts back "if it doesn't work, then we'll agree that I'm crazy, agreed?"

"But-" Jasmine begins but shuts him when Ebony glares at her. "Okay."

"Fine, but if there's a demon, I'm throwing you in front of me." Phebe threats, jabbing a finger at Ebony.


"Okay, so we have the board in front of us, now what?" Phebe asks, looking at Ebony.

She puts her hands up "I don't know, I never liked these things."

"Okay, the rules say to all place our hands on the marker thing but we want to make sure it's actually Emma instead of one of us right?"

"Yep." Ebony agrees "okay, Em. Can you move he marker?"

"Any help guys?" I ask Breakdown and Cliffjumper, the former shrugging.

"Maybe try to push it?" The latter suggests.

I nod, leaning over the board, between Jasmine and Ebony as I try to move the marker, not doing a thing. "Fuck it! I can't do anything!" I shout in anger as the marker moves slightly.

"Did you see that?" Phebe asks, voice gasped, she looks around, looking right through me "Emma, are you really here?"

How did I push it? I cup my hands around the marker, moving my hands as the marker moves between them, landing on the yes. "Oh damn, she is here!" Ebony yells excitedly.

"Wait, it could be something else." Jasmine says as she glances around, nervously "Emma, if it's really you whats your transformer?"

"Jazz, that's too easy, if it's you Emma tell me what I said to you when you said you were watching over us."

I move the marker to spell out some more letters. Stalker.

"That's Emma." Ebony smiles as Wheeljack walks in.

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