Picture Perfect

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Katsuki finds himself rummaging through his room. His clothes are littered on the floor, bed unmade, pillows on the ground, his room an overall pig style. His dirty, blonde hair is stuck to his forehead, beads of sweat keeping it there and rolling down his face as he continues making a mess looking for it.

A picture, any picture just as long as it included him. But even as he searched and scattered all his belongings, he couldn't find a single photo.

Any photo included him alone, his classmates, his friends or just a family photo and he was beginning to lose his mind over it.

He frantically dug through his chest of draws, only growing more frustrated as he came up empty handed, once again.

And, although he should give up, he just couldn't accept the thought that he didn't have a single photo with him. Not even a sole portrait of him alone. It was like he was seeing everyone but him.

His heartbeat sped up and suddenly the stuffy room became a hindrance to his air passage. The still air was making him suffocate, his dimly lit room seemingly mocking him by being too still while his heart wrenched inside of him.

He knew it wasn't going to be easy, but he didn't think it would've been this hard. When he first thought about it, he immediately went on how to move on. But now that he was facing the situation, he couldn't bring himself to even think about moving on.

All he could think about were the memories, the last one leaving a scar on his heart that he knew would bruise and remain forever.

His tired eyes were evidence of his shitty sleep schedule and in all honesty, you couldn't blame him for being like this. The black and blue bags under his eyes carried baggage that only him knew and the only person who could've changed it was gone.

He couldn't cry to him anymore, he couldn't lash out at him anymore, he couldn't call him names, he couldn't express himself to his full extent because the only person that allowed him to was gone and once again, he was alone.

He was alone in a world that surrounded him and fed him praises and fueled his ego. He didn't have his friend anymore.

Friend. Katsuki almost laughed to himself at the word. Friend? Were they even friends? Or was that just Katsuki? He'd doubt the person considered him any more than a bully from his past.

He screwed up so bad and now he couldn't do anything about it. He pushed past the breaking point, and continued by crushing any lines of boundaries. He'd ruin any form of redemption and when he fully decided to suck it up and be a man with some balls, he got his karma.

A lifetime of regret, guilt and shame.

Yes, Katsuki Bakugou was feeling regret, guilt and shame. And no one made him feel that way except for him.

Katsuki didn't mind the sickening feeling that clung to his stomach, making him gag randomly. He didn't ignore the pounding in his head, as if his blood flow was moving in a different way. His shaky hands were the least of his concerns and his pain stricken face didn't stray him from his goal.

He staggered to his closet, his lack of sleep finally getting to him. And while he knew he needed sleep, he also needed that single photo. It was like a necessity, he couldn't show up without anything. And while he wanted, so badly, to keep it and cherish it, maybe frame it and keep it in his room, he couldn't.

He wanted to be selfish and not go at all. That way the photo would be all his. He wouldn't need to give it away. But he had been selfish all his life without looking even once to see the heavy damage he had done. So if this was a way of redemption, he would take.

Picture Perfect  ||BakuDeku||One-shot||Where stories live. Discover now