Ishimaru pees on you then vores you

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Y/n's pov
I have a crush on Ishimaru....he's so cute I just want to do things to him........,I need to confess my feelings for him..
Y/n thought to herself

'Oh hey.. taka! What's up?'
I said

'H-Hey! You startled me there for a sec..!' Ishimaru exclaimed as he blushed a little...
He's so adorable when he does that.. he seems to be hiding something

'Can I ask u something.....?' As I asked taka I could feel the nervousness in my veins loading up and the butterflies in my stomach, 'Sure. What is it Y/N?'

'I need to tell you something......I-I-I l-like u taka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¡!!!'
I finally had spitted it out..I confessed my feelings for him!!

'Wha!? W-Why do you like me?! I'm ugly!!!' Ishimaru said, I felt bad for him because he thought that because he gets made fun of for his eyebrows but not me..I don't think he looks ugly, I think he looks so cute...
.'Why would you say that!! Your not ugly at all! Infact...ur very cute and so is your..umm uh..... Uh s-stomach....' 'It looks so... STRETCHY AND CUTE!!!!'

Ishimaru paused for a moment, I thought he was embarrassed and weirded out BC I said that..but then I realized something.. something was wet on my shoes!!!!!! It was Takas piss!! I was shocked at the sight but then he yelled out and broke down crying 'IM SO SORRY Y/N!!!!!; I JUST.... GOT SUPER EXCITED THAT FINALLY SOMEONE LIKES MY STOMACH... I NEED TO....PISS ON YOU MORE AND THEN V-VORE YOU INTO MY BELLY!!!' Taka screamed in excitement

'Then.....pee on me daddy taka😏😏please.... I need to taste some of that delicious taka piss' .

Ishimaru was so excited for this to happen, he actually had a piss and voring kink which I happen to find... attractive.
Taka unbuckled his pants and I saw some of that yummy looking pee that stained his boxers..I was so excited just as he was!!!
'A-Are you wide b-baby!!!' Ishimaru said, trying to flirt.

Takas pov

I can't believe this is happening!!! I don't care what anyone thinks!! This is totally accepted In a school environment!..

I get ready to release my juices into y/n's mouth as she kneels down on the floor for her master, ready to chug down my sour juicy pee down her throat..then all of a sudden I hear a door was Kork!

'KOREKIYO I CAN EXPLAIN ITS NOT WHAT. IT LOOKS LIKE PLS NO DONT TELL ANYONE PLEASEEE I BEG UU' as I cried and begged for mercy...I didn't expect Korks face to lighten up at the sight, he looked excited and I don't know why!! Is he into....piss?

'May I join?' Kork blurted out with his hands behind his back, blushing like a schoolgirl...

Y/n looked very surprised..she didn't expect Korekiyo to ask to join in with us

(u can see the blush through his mask in this fic idc if it has to be realistic or not)

'Y-Yes..I didn't know u were into this stuff!' I said as I could clearly see the delightfulness in his yellow honeyish eyes...he was so excited for this..

'Okaay.....then.... Let me unbuckle my belt, thank you for letting me join into this honourable moment taka.' Korekiyo thanked me as he was unbuckling and taking off his pants

'L-Lets pee on Y/n.. Kork...' I said as the idea randomly popped into my mind


Y/n was waiting there on her knees for the whole time. I didn't want to keep her waiting for this special occasion

I bent down near y/n's mouth while waiting for Kork to come and find his spot,where he was going to pee on y/n's body, he decided to pee on her stomach and legs, and so we started

'Ngghhhhhhhh.....' I groaned out of relief while releasing and letting out my piss into Y/n's mouth

'Ohh, this feels so...wrong but- beautiful at the same time!!! Humans are beautiful c-creatures!!!' Korekiyo exclaimed as he finally let out his bloody smelly pee onto y/n

Y/n's pov


Ishimaru stopped peeing on me while Kork was still pissing, he said 'G-Guys...I need to show you something please stop what your doing!!! It's really special Y/N and kork.'
I wondered what it was so I stopped what I was doing and so did Kork

'Hm?' Kork mumbled in curiosity

'What is it?' I asked

'Just both of you come sit on my lap...' Ishimaru said. So I did and so did Kork. He all of a sudden shoved me into his throat and vored me.. I layed cramped in his stomach..wondering what was going on

He then shoved Kork into his mouth and Kork sharted his boxers on accident by getting surprised...then both of us where in his stomach stuck together in that belly..

'Mm... Korekiyos shat flavoured boxers really adds to the taste' Ishimaru said in delight as he was rubbing his belly like a mother pregnant with her child, it was like me and Kork were the children inside...

'H-Help me!! Its very cramped and I cannot breath very well!! Taka!!! Let me out!' Kork said but he was overreacting...I was very happy to be inside Takas stomach. Then Kork passed out but I was still alive and then chihiro walked into the room and started crying because he thought Taka was hurt, hes so dumb 😐
I could still hear some of the outside worlds sounds and chihiros cries of worry for taka
It was muffled tho but suddenly Ishimarus stomach bursted wide open and me and Kork were let out, but he was still passed out and I was pissed, taka wss now unconscious because we bursted out of his stomach, it was so....idk

Chihiro was traumatized at the incident and ran out of the room crying and screaming

Kork is still passed out and I think Ishimaru is dead

The End,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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