Where I Am!?

901 28 6

(All characters in the story are gonna be 18 and up 👍)


So I save Saint Marie and kill the beast and sadly every other person on earth who has the conduit gene including myself to save the world. But besides that. . .

Y/N: Where in the fuck am I!?

Instead of heaven or hell or wherever the fuck, I'm sitting in a field of grass. Hell I even had my Amp with me. I wanted to check if I still have my abilities so I looked at my hand and concentrated on it and some electricity started coming out of it.

Y/N: OK so I still got my powers. But what do I do now?

I got up and looked around to see that pretty far out in the distance was what looks like to be a town so I just started walking there.

(30 minutes later. . .)

Y/N: Okay I'm finally at the town. Just gotta start asking people some questions about where I am.

I went into the town and saw people just doing their daily business. Kids playing in the streets together, old people sitting on porches probably talking about the good all days, people with animal ears-

Y/N: *Thoughts* Wait the fuck!? What kind of anime bullshit is this!?

I saw a woman with cat ears and a cat tail, a guy with bull horns coming out of his head, and a kid with a shark fin on his back.

Y/N: *Thoughts* I'll ask someone about this later. . .

I walked around for a bit little longer and saw an old guy sitting on his porch smoking a cigar.

Y/N: *Thoughts* That guy is definitely the right person I should ask questions to.

I went up to the porch and the old man looked up at me.

Old Man: Now what is it that you want son? Not here to listen to some old mans stories I presume?

Y/N: Actually I am.

I leaned on the wall next to the old man.

Y/N: Would you mind answering some of my questions sir?

Old Man: *Chuckles* Well sure, why not. I've got all the time in the world anyways. Ask away, kid.

(About an hour of questions later. . .)

Old Man: . . . and that's why before you start fucking a cat faunus you should caress their ears and stroke their tail. That really gets them in the mood.

I was sitting there astonished taking notes while this absolute legend is telling me the secrets of the world itself.

I was sitting there astonished taking notes while this absolute legend is telling me the secrets of the world itself

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Y/N: *Thoughts* This man is an absolute treasure trove of wisdom!!!

As the old man continued talking, I heard a loud roaring noise in the distance. Me and the old man looked over to where the noise was coming from and I saw what looked to be the "Grimm" he told me about.

 Me and the old man looked over to where the noise was coming from and I saw what looked to be the "Grimm" he told me about

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Everyone started running as the wolf grimm were running after them. I saw one of the wolves about to lunge onto a woman and her daughter. I shot a lightning bolt at the wolf which caused it to stagger. I then took the chance to run up to the the wolf and used my amp to bash it's head which destroyed it. It's headless body laid on the ground but soon started to turn into black ash. I turned to the woman and her kid.

Y/N: *Smiles* You guys should probably get out of here.

The woman said thank you and left with the kid in her arms. I looked back at the wolves and saw that there were 6 of these guys. I smiled at this.

Y/N: Well you all have been some very bad dogs today. *Fires up amp* I'm about to put you in the kennel.

5 minutes later, Ruby POV:

We got an emergency call from a nearby town that was under a grimm attack and are currently heading to it on a bullhead. I really hope we get there in time-

Yang: Come on sis don't be so worried about it! The report said that there was someone already there handling it.

Ruby: I know but I just don't want anyone to be hurt.

Weiss: Well there's no point in worrying about it so much anyways. You're just wasting energy.

Blake: I'm sure everything's fine Ruby. Just have faith in whoever's down there right now.

I looked at everyone a bit more optimistically.

Ruby: Yeah you're right! Thanks guys!

As as soon as I said that, the bullhead landed on the ground and we all exited it. We were all surprised when we saw that right in front of us was a man holding down a beowolf with one arm and sticking some type of weird ball in its' mouth with the other. The man then let go of the beowolf, ran away from it a little and soon after the upper half of the beowolfs body exploded. The man then looked around, saw me and my team and smiled at us.

Y/N: Why hello there ladies. Lovely weather we're having today, huh?

3rd Pov:

All Y/N did was give a small smile to the group of girls standing in front of him, but little do he know how much that would impact the girls, as they proceeded to blush a shade of red that made Ruby's cape pale in comparison.

Team RWBY: *Thoughts* W-Why do I feel like this!?

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