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7 years ago..

1 month ago since Tzuyu and jungkook start dating.

Tzuyu POV

It's been a month since me and jungkook are dating.

But I feel the same. I feel someone is missing. But I don't know who is this person.

I'm happy with jungkook.

And we are happy together. We enjoy dating, chatting, talking with eachother and he is also a nice boyfriend.

Since i date jungkook I don't have a time hanging out with taehyung since jungkook tell me that I need to avoid with him because he is jealous. Even he know that me and taehyung are just a friend. But still I miss my bestfriend.

I miss my bestfriend Of course he is like a family to me. Eomma and appa are busy in their business. Taehyung oppa are always there for me and also guide me everytime. He is also with me even I had a problem or not.

Tzuyu why are you thinking of him. He must be happy right now.

I didn't saw him for almost a month because. It's already summer in here. Our class already ended.

Even hyungs doesn't know where he is. I don't know what happen to him. I'm so worried but I can't act like this because jungkook will be jealous and I don't want to see him like that.

But still.. I need to find him.. I'm going to find taehyung oppa. I can't take this anymore. What if something bad happen to him. No it can't.

"Tzuyu where are you going?" Jungkook asked. Oppa my mom called me she said that our company needs me. I need to cameback in Taiwan. Sorry oppa..

"No it's fine you're family needs you and you need to go with them.. don't worry about me. I'm fine I'm gonna miss you badly. I love you Tzuyu" he said. Okay oppa I will go now I'm going to pack my things. I'm going to Taiwan just tell to my unnie because I don't have a time now.

"Okay sure take care.. I'm gonna miss you.. I will wait for you my baby" he said. Okay oppa me too.

That day.. I lie at him. The truth is eomma didn't call me. I'm just going to find taehyung oppa. I'm worried at him. I can't just stand here and sit and wait for him. I don't know why I feel this?. Jungkook I'm sorry but taehyung is my bestfriend If something bad happen to him I can't forgive myself.

I don't know where I am going.

I bump into mina unnie.

"Tzuyu where are you going?" Mina unnie asked.

Mina unnie is my close friend that's why I told to her everything.

Unnie I'm sorry. I lied at jungkook. I told him that eomma is calling at me but the truth is I'm going to find taehyung oppa. I'm worried at him.

Unnie help me jebal!.. I can't just wait here. Taehyung oppa doesn't have a family. His family is only us. He is my family. When he is a child his parents past away. I'm just worried at him he is like a brother to me. So I can't just stand here I need to do something.

"Okay fine I will help you but how?" Mina said. Um.. tell to unnie about this so that they can help me to hide this to jungkook. "Okay sure but Tzuyu do you know where taehyung go?" Unnie said. I didn't know but I will go where we always go. Maybe in the amusement park or on our past houses. "Maybe you should try to go at the playground in XXXX" Mina said. Okay unnie i will go there.
Thank you unnie. "It's fine of course you are my sister.. I will do everything just to help you" mina said. Tzuyu hug her unnie.

Mina pov

I know that Tzuyu likes taehyung but she doesn't know how she feel because she likes jungkook. And she just treat taehyung as her older brother and bestfriend but the truth is she love taehyung.

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