26. Bed

801 33 7

He Tian

It has been so long since he'd last been out and about during this time of the night. The atmosphere felt refreshing and cold air made his cheeks numb as he struts down the sidewalk. He'd bumped on a lot of girls who were hoping to get lucky but he just smiled, apologized and moved on. One bouncer from the club he'd just left tipped him about She Li's latest hang out so he's making his way there as quickly as he can.

"Never seen you around lately," commented an acquaintance when He Tian slipped on a vacant stool next to him. "Can I buy you a drink?"

He Tian smiled and shook his head. Drinking wasn't in his list of plans for the night and he believed that one must be mentally prepared before liquor intake, especially when he's out.

"Hell week. My folks would kill me if I don't pass every subject I'm taking right now," He Tian answered and swiveled around to check the dancing crowd. A band was playing something familiar but he's not that interested in finding out what the song was.

"You sound bored. We can play at my house if you want," the other boy said. He gave him a quick side glance and noticed he's pouting like a little girl. They've hung out for a bit last year until the guy got a sugar daddy and the two went on to make lewd videos together. They naturally drifted apart but still acknowledge each other whenever they meet.

"I appreciate the offer but I'm currently seeing someone."

"Aww, too bad. But good for you though." The other boy tapped his shoulder lightly and left with a playful bounce. He Tian followed the retreating back with his gaze until the boy disappeared into the mob and winking lights.

After an hour of waiting, She Li's still a no-show. He Tian's stomach started growling and he remembered the diner where Mo Guan Shan worked.

What a good excuse to see a lovely face to at least save the night of fruitless search for some runaway boy toy.

"Oh, he's on a delivery," the owner answered promptly, sounding apologetic as he looked up to He Tian. There was a vacant table and he ordered a big meal. Mo Guan Shan might come back in the middle of his meal and he'd invite him to sit down so they'll eat together.

Still no Mo Guan Shan after he finished stuffing himself with his food half-heartedly. The dumplings were especially tasty and crispy that he thought he would've asked for a second serving giving the right timing.

Can this night get any worse?

"I'll tell him you came by," the owner called out to him when he headed out. He just smiled and spared no effort to hide his disappointment.

Mo Guan Shan

The ferret guy hogged his bed all night and if not for his raging fever, he would've dragged him out from his room and threw him down the building. Not that he's crazy enough to actually do it but it's a good thought.

"Hey, Little Mo." He Tian greeted him by the front gate. It looks like he'd been waiting for a while, judging by the cigarette butts on the ground.

"Are you sure you should be burning your lungs so early in the morning?"

He Tian laughed and claimed his place by his side, too up close and personal, with all the clinging and hair ruffling.

"Thanks for caring about my lungs. You can also care for my other organs you know," the black-haired boy gave a naughty smirk.

Mo Guan Shan deliberately rolled his eyes and quickly regretted it. Squinting might be the best thing to do all day for his stinging, sleep-deprived eyes.

"The air's fresh. Why'd you bother ruining it for yourself is what I was curious about."

"You're wonderfully chatty today," He Tian said, peering at his face too closely that he could feel his breath on his cheek. His body reacted by sprouting goosebumps. "Not complaining though. I love it."

"Heh. . ." Mo Guan Shan managed to respond. Existence always feels a little bit like a hurdle every time he's with He Tian. Breathing would become such a difficult task, his chest beats more furiously than necessary and everything's turns hard. No pun intended but no regrets either. "Gods. What made you like that?"

He could feel the other boy's eyes locked on him and it's making him more self-conscious.

"Why don't you piss on Little Red Head's shins, He Tian, so the world knows he's your territory," Jian Yi said when he caught up to them. He poured another mouthful of fruity cereals down his mouth and the whole school could practically hear the crunch.

"I'm not anybody's territory."

"Who's that? We're talking about He Tian's territory."

"Ugh, shut up morons," Mo Guan Shan said before he could stifle a big yawn just as the sun hit his eyes. It stung like hell and the world seemed to spin so fast it's turning dark. He pressed his knuckles firmly on his eye and tried to squint the other to see where they were going.

"I didn't do that," Jian Yi told a passing girl who looked at them like they were bullying an underclassman. "He's just happy."

He Tian

"Why don't you take a nap at the nurse's office?" Zhan Zheng Xi, the voice of reason, suggested when he arrived and found the trio by the school building's lobby. He caught He Tian's eyes before settling on Mo Guan Shan's red and tear-stricken face. "You look dead."

"Ahh. I wanna take a nap too you know," Jian Yi pouted. His friend karate chopped his stomach and he dramatically dropped on the floor while clutching his chest.

"Yeah, I'll take him," He Tian said. It was mostly to solo the red bun for some moment before the first period. His instincts were urging him to ask and find out why he took too long on one delivery. Or is he just paranoid and starting to become overprotective?

Mo Guan Shan didn't resist, which was unexpected. He would usually resist every single thing just because before actually doing it. Today he's so out of character and gut tells him that it has something to do with last night.

"Xixi, take me too," Jian Yi clung to his friend's knees but Zhan Zheng Xi walked on while dragging the boy along the corridor. Girls rolled their eyes at the elementary kids on high school boys' bodies.

The nurse still wasn't in when they entered the office so He Tian dragged Mo Guan Shan inside and led him to one of the beds.

"Get comfy in there. They'll surely make excuses for you," He Tian said and sat on the other bed.

"Ahh bed is so nice," Mo Guan Shan flopped on his bed and fell asleep immediately.

He was obviously up all night. Things are getting odd with Mo Guan Shan. First he comes to school with *amnesia now he's Sleeping Beauty. Something is up and it smells funny.

He Tian leaned back, his arm supporting his weight, and watched Mo Guan Shan's sleeping face. He sighed. Nothing can explain why he's crazy in love with this boy. He even finds his drooling face cute when he knows that on a different person it's such a turn off.

The white curtains gently moved with the wind. He stood up and left. Being alone with Mo Guan Shan in a room is a bad idea.

Note: *He Tian is such a drama queen.

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