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a/n: prompt is enemies to fuck buddies to lovers, also with the plot that they flirt with others to make the other jealous but end up tangled in the sheets together. i did my best and wrote this entire thing last minute lol. features dominate jaebeom, sub seulgi and possessiveness, dirty talk and maybe other kinks? i honestly always write the author's notes before i write the stories so...yeah...

if there's one thing that seulgi hates about jaebeom's penthouse apartment, it's the ceiling to floor windows. during the day, the view is really pretty, even at night, it's tranquil... but when he forgets to pull down the curtains and the rising sun rudely wakes you up... it's not so fun. if seulgi would have gotten a good night's rest, it wouldn't be an issue, but she feels like she blinked and then the sun started to rise and now she's awake. she groans, tugging at the covers to pull them over her head but they won't budge. "jaebeom, move." she snarls, shoving at the male sleeping soundly next to her but with a death grip on the duvet.

"this is my room, my bed, leave me alone."

"bastard." she curses, changing course of action and instead covering her head with a pillow.

this isn't how she imagined her final year of college. seulgi had a plan, you see. she's studying graphic design, and she'll soon graduate, get a position at her father's company, and then live her life designing snack packaging until she can retire and live comfortably with cats. jaebeom isn't part of that plan. she didn't even get along with him when they first met freshman year.

he was the arrogant, trust-fund kid whose parents own one of the top tech companies in their country. thanks to a dumb halloween party on campus... it started some weird not-friends, but not-enemies either with benefits relationships. she was a hot vampire, and he was also a hot vampire... and hormones got in the way and they ended up making out in the bathroom of the frat house that held the party. okay... they did more than just make out, they fully hooked up, and it was one of the best orgasms of seulgi's life, but she'll never admit that to jaebeom.

the point is... they were once enemies and now they're just fuck buddies... but someone is bound to start catching feelings, and that someone is seulgi, and she hates it. she wants to be as casual about this as jaebeom is. it's not fair that he can spend the night whispering filthy things into her ear, or do amazing things to her body using his hands, mouth, or what hangs between his legs, and then act like they're just acquaintances in public. honestly, she's not fully sure if it's her heart manifesting a crush because he's good in bed, or if she truly wants a relationship with him because she's comfortable around him. whatever the case, she wants to get to the bottom of it, and soon so she can go back to planning out her life and having things go according to plan.

seulgi's able to doze off for a little bit, but wakes again when she feels movement. she peeks from under the pillow to see jaebeom get out of bed, pulling on some boxers and entering the ensuite bathroom. that's her cue that she should probably also get up, but she chooses a more lazier option, turning around and scrolling through her phone. there's a few messages from her friends asking her if she came home the previous night to which she replies that she's staying over at a friend's. she can't tell them that she's staying at jaebeom's, because they'll just bring up how she always complains that she can't stand him, yet they're banging. jaebeom peeks his head out from the bathroom door, "you're up." he points out as he brushes his teeth. seulgi doesn't say anything to him. "shouldn't you be getting ready?"

"for what?"

"isn't today the day your art professor is taking you all out to some exhibit?" seulgi stops mid scroll to look over at jaebeom. "before you ask, yes it's wednesday."

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