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Lilah was determined to be completely healthy, along with her mother. The doctor decided that they could go home, as long as Olivia got in contact with her own doctor once the weather got better. 

So once all the paperwork was finished, Olivia and Lilah were released and sent home. 

"Is Lilah okay?" Cade asked as soon as his parents and baby sister arrived home.

"She's great, buddy. They said that she's healthy." Olivia smiled as she ruffled her son's curls as he stood in front of her.

"And you?" Cade questioned.

"Mama is great too, Cade! Our girls are doing amazing!" Rafael grinned.

"Good... now, I have to hold my baby sister. It's my time to take care of her." Cade insisted.

"Then you should wash your hands and get comfy on the couch."


Cade really fell in love with his sister. He was always helping his parents with her, and if she was crying, he'd come running to her side and would calm her down with ease. They really became a complete family after Lilah was born, and as she got older it was like she had been there all along.

"Mama, Auntie Alex is calling!" Cade yelled, as he ran into the kitchen and tossed his mother's phone to her, before running back out to play with Clay and Lilah.

Olivia barely caught her phone as she sighed. She answered it quickly before putting it to her ear.

"Hey there, honey. What's up?" Olivia asked, before hearing soft crying from Alex's side of the call.

"Something's wrong." Alex whimpered.

"Huh? Alex, where are you?" Olivia asked, as she quickly walked over to her bedroom door before pounding on it.

"I'm at my apartment and I'm really not feeling well... I'm really scared." Alex sobbed.

"It's okay, honey. I'm going to come over, okay? Just stay put and I'll be there soon." Olivia spoke, before hanging up. She shoved her phone into her pocket before hearing her fiance yawn as he walked from their bedroom.

"Yes, dear?" He sighed.

"I need you to watch the kids." Olivia spoke as she quickly walked towards the front door to gather her stuff.

"I can do that, but why? Did you get called in?" Rafael frowned.

"No, it's Alex." Olivia whispered, but Cade and Clayton heard it.

"Mama, is something wrong with Auntie Alex?" Clayton asked, as he eyed his mother.

"I don't know yet, love. But I'm going to find out. Please be good to Daddy and be nice to your siblings. I love you all!" Olivia exclaimed, before kissing Rafael. 

"Tell me as soon as you find out anything, okay?" Rafael whispered, and Olivia nodded.

"I will, please just pray for her... something bad might be happening."


Olivia arrived at Alex's apartment about twenty minutes after their calls ended. Olivia quickly ran into the building and to Alex's apartment, before stopping by Alex's door because she could hear her crying inside.

Olivia didn't want to go inside and find out what was happening because she was scared. She was scared that Alex was losing the tiny human that she had already fallen madly in love with.

She eventually unlocked the door, before calling Alex's name.

"Alex? Love? Where are you?" Olivia called, before her friend slowly slipped from her bedroom with a bag in hand.

"Something is really wrong with me and I think the baby... I need you to take me to the hospital." Alex sniffled.

"Where's the pain?" Olivia asked, as she moved to Alex before looping her arm around her waist.

"It starts in my back and wraps around to my stomach... and I think my water broke, but I haven't gone through this before. Like, Liv, I think I'm in labor and it's way too early." Alex moaned, before leaning into her best friend.

"O-okay. I'll take you to the hospital and we will get this all figured out. Just relax and trust me."


Alex was told that she was in active labor, and that they couldn't do anything to stop this because her water had already broken and she was getting close to delivering her baby. They decided to take Alex down to the OR for a c-section, which Olivia was asked to sit in on. 

"I-i hate this." Alex sniffled, as she looked up at her best friend. Olivia caressed her cap covered head as she nodded slowly.

"I know that you hate this, honey... but this is the safest way for your baby to come into the world."

"They weren't supposed to be born this early... they are too small and what if I lose another baby?" Alex whimpered.

"You aren't losing another baby, Alex. This kid is just as stubborn as you, and he or she will fight." Olivia breathed as tears soaked into her mask. 

They were quiet for several moments, until the doctor told Alex that her daughter was there.

"Here she is, Alex!" He exclaimed.

"I have a d-daughter?" Alex stuttered.

"She's stunning, honey." Olivia started to cry as she looked at her neice. The little girl was small and like a blueish purple. She didn't look like she was breathing.

"W-why isn't she crying?" Alex asked quickly, as the baby girl was ushered over to get cleaned up.

"She's little, Alexandra. But we are going to get her some help breathing and cleaned up, and you'll hear her cry soon."

"I want to hear her cry now." Alex sniffled, as she looked over at Olivia.

"Do you want me to go check in on her?" Olivia whispered, and Alex nodded.

"Please... please keep an eye on my girl."


 Olivia walked into Alex's room with her phone in hand. She had followed the baby down to the NICU, and she took tons of pictures before being forced to leave when the sweet little girl started to code.

"Liv?" Alex asked, as soon as her friend walked into the room.

"I took like a hundred pictures of your daughter, honey. She's stunning, but this might be hard to see." Olivia spoke, as she moved to the bed before passing Alex her phone.

"Why are there so many tubes coming out of her? And she's like... purple." Alex breathed heavily.

"Honey, she came twelve weeks early. But we all will fight for her, okay?"

"I'm not even close to prepared, Liv! I don't have her nursery done, or have any clothes for her... I don't even have a name for her yet! Liv, this is happening too soon and way too fast!" 

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