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(A/N This short fanfiction might almost be over!!!! :0 I know some of you might want me to carry on but I don't know if I can keep working on more and more books! Please vote if you want more of this perfect little ship xxxxx LOVEEEEE YOUUUU! ❤❤❤)


I stood at the gates of the manor, anxiously waiting for my guests to arrive. Claude tried to slip his slender, snake like limbs around my waist but I slapped his hand off. I then wiped my hands off on my trousers.

I saw what looked like a generally beautiful girl, walking out of a horse drawn carriage. She was on the arm of a tall dark butler and solemnly moving towards me. Her bluish hair was brushed away from her face for a moment with the wind as she glanced at me.

I sucked in a breath and my heart skipped a beat. The piercing sapphire eyes. The discreetly hidden eyepatch. It was none other than my Ciel who was looking at me with that expressionless yet beautiful gaze.

I breathed out and Ciel breezed past me without looking back at me. My head turned and followed his graceful figure into the grand hall, the light pink dress flowing like mist through the towering doors and out of my sight.

I told Claude to guard the gates and greet the guests so that I could follow Ciel. As I crept past the doors I scouted for him and gasped.

Such elegance he danced, and such grace he soared. He had improved greatly since the last time I saw him. The dance floor was his stage; those dazzling feet never once missing a step. Oh, how could he be so perfect? I continued to stare in awe of the dancer. His glossy blue-black hair swaying with each motion he makes. His partner, Sebastian. How dare he be allowed to touch and dance with this majestic man before him? It should be me dancing with that wondrous man! Such fair skin he possessed, making him even more of a beauty to watch! Oh, those sparkling eyes, how blissful they were, how childish and mature all in one! He continued his dance without a shed of emotion. A smile was ghosted upon those petite lips. Oh, I would give anything to kiss those!

The pianist drawled out the final note and the slow dance stopped. Audience clapped through the open space of the manor's ballroom. The dancers took their bows and departed ways. Slouching my shoulders I dropped drastically in a chair as I groaned. "Such elegance and beauty..." I stated in my numerous talks amongst myself. I sat there, drinking some kind of fruity cocktail. "Oh, such perfected grace gliding along the dance floor like an elegant pink swan. Oh Ciel, is there anything you cannot do?!! And I shall never have that one dance..." I sighed as music played once more. "Oh well, enough of this place." I said and was about to get up to go to my chambers when I saw a white gloved hand offered to me. I blinked my ice blue eyes and looked up only to see those pools of blue freezing his soul! "Oh! Ciel! You didn't hear that, did you?" Instant crimson crossed my usually pale cheekbones. He gave a wider smile, "Was I meant to hear it?" He countered in his perfected voice. Oh, how soulful his voice was! I stiffened in my seat. "You were going to leave, correct?" I suddenly was pulled from my thoughts and blinked, "Then allow me to have the honors in giving you one last dance."

Oh, was he serious? Oh Ciel! I felt my heart soar as I quickly jumped to my feet with an impish grin. "Oh, of course!" Was this really happening? What this really happening?! Was I about to dance with my true love?! The Lord gave a grin, a cute grin, to me and I was about to melt from that smile. He took the liberty in taking my bared hand and leading me onto the dance floor as others soon joined with a partner. I nearly crashed into him when I felt his hand on the small of my back. "Steady now Alois, I can't be dragging you across the dance floor, now can't I?" Oh, was he really teasing me like this? It was so out of character. "Oh Ciel, I'd let you drag me anywhere!" A small laugh was awarded and I was literally on fire. "Alois, might you be a little tipsy?" I didn't answer, eagerly taking Ciel's free hand, I allowed him to lead as I followed.

Such elegance. Such strength and confidence. I was in Heaven in his feminine arms. I felt my matching blue dress swaying from the circles the dance took on. Dear Ciel, why was he so kind to me? Why did he save my soul? Such a glorious demon. The smiles never left the guests mouths, as all they saw was two young girls dancing together. Even as the dance came all too soon to an end. I groaned, "Oh, what a shame..." I wanted another dance - badly. Not realizing I looked down until I felt Ciel's hand under my chin to lift my face back up. My's eyes widened at the sudden intensity in Ciel's beautiful face. Oh my...

With a heart pounding and my body shaking with excitement, I leaned forward as he did the same. My eyes long shut as I eagerly awaited to be kissed. Oh, Ciel...I have waited so -

"Not in here, I have a reputation you know. " he whispered and he pulled me with a swift movement out of the hall and into my bedchamber.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2015 ⏰

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