The Favor

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Ji-pyeong was in a dark mood when he sat down at his desk the next day. 

He didn't like the looks that people gave him as he passed them in the hallway, although he knew that the bruising and tiny bandages on his face didn't exactly make him a pretty sight to behold.

It was almost enough to ruin the great morning he'd had with In-jae. He loved waking up with her in his arms, then having breakfast with her to start the day. Afterwards, they drove to her place so she could shower and change her clothes, then they went into work together and parted ways at the elevator. Even if he was dying to hold her hand, she resisted. "Just because people know about us doesn't mean we have to rub our relationship in their faces," she had said last night, which made him laugh.

"Mr. Han?"

Ji-pyeong looked up to see Do-san standing in front of his desk.

"Are you here to pick a fight too?" Ji-pyeong asked coolly as he turned his attention to his computer screen.

"I'm here to ask for a favor," Do-san said uncomfortably, shifting his weight from one foot to another.

Ji-pyeong scoffed. "A favor? You've got some nerve to ask me for a favor, I know you don't--"

"2STO wants to kill the funding for Noongil," Do-san interrupted, and Ji-pyeong shrugged. "That's expected. I'd told you guys over and over that it's a good cause, but it's not profitable."

"Well, I'd like to ask for your help in convincing them not to pull the funding," Do-san countered, a tone of desperation creeping into his voice. "If they pull the funding, I won't be able to update the app, and Dal-mi's grandma--"

Ji-pyeong turned to him sharply. "What about Dal-mi's grandma?"

Do-san took a deep breath. "I developed Noongil for her. She's slowly losing her eyesight."

Ji-pyeong's entire team startled when Ji-pyeong stood up so quickly that his chair fell over. He had his hand over his mouth, and it seemed like tears were welling up in his eyes. He quickly turned to the window and willed the tears not to fall. Ji-pyeong took a deep breath, then faced Do-san. "Go into the meeting room and wait for me there," he ordered, then marched out of his office.

He rushed to In-jae's office and burst his way in, startling everyone. "In-jae," he said loudly, and she stood up quickly. "Mr. Han," she said pointedly, "What--"

"In-jae, it's your grandma," he said as he faced her.

In-jae stopped and looked at him closely. "Ji-pyeong, what's wrong?" she asked, a feeling of dread coming over her.

"Samsan Tech developed Noongil for her. She's going blind," he said softly, his voice cracking at that last word.

In-jae felt her knees buckle at the news, and Ji-pyeong quickly helped her take a seat. "What?" she asked uncomprehendingly, the tears welling up in her eyes.

He crouched in front of her and said, "Do-san told me because 2STO wants to pull the funding for Noongil."

She shook her head, "Obviously, we can't let that happen." 

He placed his hand over hers, "That's why I'm here. I figured that two heads would be better than one. He's waiting for me in the meeting room now."

In-jae nodded quickly. Even if she wasn't close to her grandma like Dal-mi was, she was still family. "Do-san isn't exactly in a position to make any demands," she said, sniffling and wiping her eyes. 

Ji-pyeong stood up and held his hand out to her. "That's exactly why he needs our help. We need to make Alex a proposal he can't refuse."

She took a deep breath, squared her shoulders, then took his hand and let him help her out of her chair. She nodded at him with determination, then turned to her team.

"Go, Ms. Won, we'll be fine," they assured her, and she nodded at them gratefully.

Together, In-jae and Ji-pyeong marched out of her office and into the meeting room where they set to work to save Noongil. Not for Do-san or Samsan Tech, but for Grandma.

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