Dabi POV.
I woke up at around 4am. I had an overwhelming sense if nausea and a headache that was hurting me. I was gonna be sick over my self if I didn't get up and get to the bin. I managed to get up but I threw up repeatedly onto my lap. I grabbed the bin and started to puke in there but it was making me feel no better. I stopped for a moment before more came up and I vomited on my hoodie. I heard shiggy come in as I threw up and him run to go get the "sick bucket" as we call it. He came back and placed it in front of me and sat me down as I was sick again. "Fucking hell you should've called someone" he said. I looked at him, I was about to cry before my head went straight back down and I vomited. "Shh it's alright don't panic" he soothed. I cuddled him close.