Chapter 9

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Five months later...

I walked in the forest, listening to the gentle breeze moving the leaves as they are stationed to the branches of many trees and watching the clouds dance in the sky.

In the past months, instead of exploring the present world that I have already seen. I learned Space-Time Ninjutsu 100% in the first month and once I did, I traveled to the past. Making sure not to affect the timeline too much with my visit. I learned about Hagoromo's past, though I made sure to avoid him.

But when I went to the past, I also met a frog by the name of Gamamaru. How I met him was by him coming to me when I was resting by a river. He surprised me good when he suddenly jumped out of the water and started to talk to me. Gamamaru told me that I was part of a dream he had that night and he told me that he'll teach me senjutsu! So for the last four months, I've been receiving the teaching from the sage toad and I've learned the basics of how to do it, so that I can train even more when I have spare time. Also, Gamamaru helped my raised the stats for senjutsu to 54%.

But now, I think I should settle down for a few years or for some time at least. So that's why I'm heading for Konohagakure, The Village Hidden in the Leaves... Madara must of came up with that name. When I went to the village gates, I could immediately tell that they were just starting to build their village. Nothing looked like it was official, but it was a start.

Walking up to the gate, there was two guards positioned there and they looked familiar.

"Ayumi, it's a pleasure to see you again." It was someone from the Sarutobi clan.

"Hello again, I hope I'm allowed into the village." I giggled.

"You're allowed." Someone from the Senju clan smiled at me. "After all, from the last time I check, Lord Hashirama and Lord Madara informed us that if a traveler of the name of Ayumi comes by, she's allowed to come into the village without question."

"Okay," I walked into the village and waved at them. "Thanks for letting me in." I walked in the village, looking around to see the streets full of cheerful, playful children running around and small stands selling food. It appeared to be full of life but when I looked at the Senju and Uchiha clansmen, it felt tense and kind of strained.

I kept walking and waving to people who greeted me, but I kept walking. Then I bumped into someone.

"Ayumi?" A familiar feminine voice asked. I saw bright fiery red hair and immediately recognized it.

"Mito?" Her face instantly lit up like fireworks and she grabbed my hand, dragging me away. "Where are you bringing me?"

"Just the right person we needed." She dragged me through town and into a building, there I heard arguing.

"Can you explain-" she slammed open the door and everyone inside looked at me. "what's going on?" I sweated profusely at the sight of all the Clan Leaders that I knew from all over the Land of Fire. I coughed, straightening myself and waved. "Long time no see, but I really must get going so..." I tried walking out the door, but it was slammed shut and Mito had an iron grip on my wrist, not letting me go. I started to sweat, knowing that she wasn't going to let me escape.

"We need you to settle something." Mito said. "Hashirama will explained." I looked at said man and smiled, threatening of course and his reaction was that he became pale quick.

"Well we were discussing the alliance between all of us and we wanted your input when we could get it." He handed me a slip of paper. "This is the contract we sighed together." I skimmed through the contract, only highlighting what I seemed as important.

"Why would you ask me though?" I asked, not looking up from the contract in my hand.

"Because you're a neutral party between every single clan in this village." I heard Madara answer and I pulled my head back in thought.

"Well, first off I want to inform you that this village, no, this alliance has reached the ears of those around the world, sparking even more villages to form, combining clans to make them." I faced them. "From my understanding, this was a long-time dream of the Senju Clan Head, for there to be peace in the Land of Fire. But... you must be prepared." I released KI and everyone was on guard. "I may be a friend to you and your clans, but do not turn for me to help you in the time of war." I stopped releasing my KI and smiled. "After all I'm just a simple travel that travels the world, learning new things and meeting people from my journey." Everyone just anime fell to the floor, after I spoke my words.

"I see, so you think that a war may come for us in the future?" One of the clan heads asked.

"No... I don't think, I know it will happen." I sighed. "Peace is something that can't happen unless you sacrifice something in return." Just like how I was given many abilities, but now I must use them sparingly, so I don't become some tyrant. I clenched my fist and stopped myself from clenching my teeth as well.

"I see... well on to the topic of our contract, what do you think?" Hashirama queried.

"It's good, from my standpoint though you need to be more specific on a few things and when I was walking in the village, you need to fix the hostility between the Senju and the Uchiha. If you don't, I'm afraid that in the future, it will get to the point where the future leader of this village..." I trailed off, thinking of the right wording and words to say. "Will order the massacre of one of the clans to end that conflict." Then the room became heavy. "Though, this is only a hypothesis from my observations, but in the end I'm a neutral party. So you can ignore my heeding, and do as you wish, or you can listen to my words and perhaps change a future that may happen." Mito's grip on my wrist was released and I walked out the door, leaving the heavy room.

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