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Is the main character male or female?
Okay so Ayumi is technically a female name and I intentionally chose this name to match the gender... but feel free to interpret their gender however you'd like

What's Ayumi's family name?
.................to answer or not to answer, that is the question

What's KI mean?
Killing intent, it was easier for me to abbreviate the term than continuously write down killing intent. It got too much at a point and it was just easier to write down this way. Plus it sounded cooler

Yes, this name was inspired by the sword in Bleach. Means Crimson Princess

Sharingan (Rinne)
So when I had written this down, I had meant the same sharingan that the weird rabbit goddess has in the middle of her forehead

Gravity Jutsu (ch 17)
What I had meant with this move is by taking away the gravity of an object and then using wind to guide the item(s) to the user's desired location for it to be

....do excuse my language but I hope that jerk/idiot/stupid donkey rots in hell, actually no calling him a donkey would be an insult to the species. How about cockroach... no he's even more disgusting than those creepy crawlers (no offense to anyone that like these insects, just going with my personal view on these creatures)

Yes this move was created by Minato but what I had meant in earlier chapters was that Jiraiya taught it to Ayumi

Am I shipping her with anyone?
Do. Your. Worst. Let's see who you think she should end up with in the end

I beg of you
I apologize
I did not release this chapter to shame or embarrass any of the readers who had commented with swear words.
I was raised in an environment where these words were like taboo so hearing/seeing/reading these words were out of my comfort zone. And so I wanted to express how I was uncomfortable with these terms being used and hopefully bring down the swearing through that chapter
I understand that people were raised differently than I was so they're more accustomed to using these particular terms than I am.
So again, I apologize if I unintentionally caused you to feel guilt, discomfort, shame or embarrassment for doing things that you are more accustomed to than I am

If you see a grammar mistake, do not feel shy to message me and tell me what I need to correct. I want this story to be the best it can be for you readers and I want it to be a learning experience for me so I don't make the same mistake again

Next chapter
As I have expressed in my A/N (author's notes) I am in school and that will be my top priority over writing chapters 😤😖😭 and because of COVID, my routine was completely screwed over so getting back in person is still madness. Even so, we have to be grateful for what we have until we realize that we can never have it back.
But I promise that I will not abandon this story forever and will update only when I feel that my content is not trash (rip ch. 19 the result of needing to post something, definitely not my finest hour)

Thank you my lovely readers, see you next chapter (not update/news)


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