Yandere Callisto x Fem Reader Part 1

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Tv series: Xena Warrior Princess

Character: Callisto

Omg I love this show and I  am such a simp for Callisto lol.


Fire. Scorching fire eats away at my village as I flee the horrific scene. Armies of men butchering my neighbors as they chant the name Callisto. That name.... it sounds very familiar.... Could it be her? Could it really be my childhood friend from the village of my youth? But I thought that I was the only survivor of Xena's massacre? Of course this was all before Xena changed her ways and began to fight for good. But why would Callisto attack and murder my people in cold blood? Surely this is not the Callisto I know. She would never cause such chaos and destruction. Or could she?

As I attempt to run away, I accidentally smack into one of the warriors. Great, just my luck! The burly man swiftly turns around and snags my wrist. He hoists me up into the air as he inspects me, his revolting breath fans my face as he does so. I wiggle and squirm around to try to get out of his bruising grasp, but unfortunately I cannot.

The hulking man sneers down at me. "You'll make for a good slave." His hoarse voice croaks out. Then he drags me across the dry ground which tears open my skin as he stomps over to the slave wagon. A few of the other men laugh at the sight as he throws me onto the wagon and chains me up. And as a last effort, he spits on me.

I sit there as tears roll down my face. The screams and shrieks of terror eat at my soul as I am forced to watch my friends and family brutally slain in front of me. The suffocating smell of blood and death fills the air. How could these men carelessly slaughter so many innocent people in such a short time? Do they feel no remorse at all? Are they even human?

Finally after what seemed like ages, the screams have stopped. Mutilated carcasses scatter every inch of the village as the smoke clears. Blood. Buckets of the crimson life force color the streets. I recoil in disgust at the remains of my village. There is barely anything left at all. All signs of life wiped out.

The jolt of the wagon beginning to move knocks my out of my daze. The hoofprints of the horses clack against the blood drenched ground. I guess we are leaving, but what horrible fate awaits me? I know that I am intended to be a slave, but I can only hope they sell me to at a decent person. But knowing the kind of people that buy slaves, it's probably not a good outlook for me.

The other people on the wagon glance at each other with fear. Most of them are men, but a few women like me are chained up as well. I can't help but think of what horrors await us all as I carefully watch them anxiously chatter amongst themselves. Part of me wants to talk to them, but the other part of me is hesitant. What if I get in trouble? I wouldn't want to risk angering these men, especially after the massacre I just witnessed.

The smoldering sun's rays harshly beat against my sweat drenched and worn out body. We have been traveling for hours on end to our mysterious destination. By now I am definitely dehydrated and starving but I dare not voice my concerns. Instead I keep quiet as I stare at the landscape ahead of me. Apparently, according to the ragged men, we are almost to their leader Callisto.

A ragged breath leaves my chapped lips as we near a massive cave. The wheels squeak against the harsh ground in the process. At least we will be sheltered from the unbearable heat of the sun.

The wagon rolls into the cave filled with even more warriors, although they all seem drunk. The men shout and jeer at us prisoners but I ignore it as I can't help but stare at the person sitting on a massive throne in the back of the cave. It really is her. It's Callisto, but what has befallen her? Why would she do this to us?

"Bring them to me and don't touch them afterwards until I tell you to." She commands with a stone cold facial expression. The men promptly reply and painfully drag us out of the wagon. Then they place us in a single file line, me being in the middle.

She glances boredly at them as she decides their fate. "This one's weak, kill him." She casually states as she twirls a dagger in her hands. The men comply and slit the man's throat then drag his corpse out of the way. Anxiety grips me as the line moves upwards and once again, she decides the person's fate. This process continues until it is my turn to be "judged". Hopefully she'll remember me and let me go.

I carefully step forward and keep my head down. "Head up." Callisto orders me. Slowly I lift my head to meet her face. Wow, she looks so different yet so similar. I can't help but gawk at her. She prudently inspects me. Immediately she smiles psychotically and bursts into unhinged giggles. Then she gets up off of her throne and steps closer to me all while chuckling madly.

After an agonizingly slow couple of seconds, she finally reaches me. Her hand pinches onto my cheeks as continues to grin maniacally. "Oh y/n~ It's been such a long time. And look at that, you're all grown up~" She stares at my psychotically as she grasps a strand of my hair and twirls it around in her fingers. Then she let's go and spins around while laughing. "I would never have imagined seeing you here after all these years!"

For a while she continues to whirl about, but out of nowhere, Callisto immediately stops and stares directly at me. "So tell, me have you been? Seen Xena around Lately~? Ah~ How I can't wait to kill her~" She happily sings out. Then she pauses for a second with excitement bursting beneath her. "Oh I know! You can help me kill her!" Her face then morphs into one anger and resentment. "Afterall she did burn my family alive and destroy our village. And then we were separated....."

I shift uncomfortably as I attempt to speak. "But hasn't she changed? I don't think killing her would be the answer. Afterall she helps people now and I already forgave her. She and her friend Gabrielle even saved me once."

Callisto pouts at my words. "Aww y/n~ Don't be such a party pooper!" She grins maniacally again. "It will be so much fun! I promise! Especially now that you're here~"

"I don't want to help you kill her. Specifically after your men murdered my people and destroyed my village." I state

Fury burns in her eyes as she glares down at me. "Fine. Since you don't want to be a good girl and behave I'll have to lock you away until you decide to play nice. Men! Put her in the dungeon!." She then smirks at me. "Don't worry though I'll come visit you soon and then after Xena is dead, we can spend the rest of our lives together! Doesn't that sound like such good fun~?"

"No let me go!" I scream as her warriors drag me down into the dungeons. Callisto in turn, laughs at my misery as she waves "bye bye" to me. "I'll come down tomorrow to see if your behaviour is changed. Until then, have fun being in time out~"

The men roughly throw me into the dank cell and lock the door. Never in a million years did I think my childhood friend could become a vengeance hungry psychotic monster, but I guess I was wrong. Maybe tomorrow she'll let me out or if I'm lucky, Xena will hear about what happened and come rescue me and the others.

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