How it all began...

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Kuroo had always took liking to Bokuto. He'd often day dream about holding his hand, kissing him and even... no, he couldn't let his imagination get that far. 

During practice (they aren't on the same team so imagine them at the training camp) he often eyed Bokuto up and down. From his spiky hair all the way down to his beat up shoes. Bokuto even returned the glances a few times, causing the younger captain to flush red. 

When it was time for water handouts, Kuroo often spent his mini break talking with Bokuto, trying to send flirtatious hints. But today was the day that the hints stopped. He was finally going to confess to Bokuto one way or another.

"Hey, owl?" 

"Yeah, rooster head?"

Kuroo laughed, trying to hide his now rosy pink cheeks. The nickname "rooster head" had always ticked him off when the others called him that. But when it came to Bokuto, it gave him major butterflies.

Kuroo's POV (point of view)

I grabbed my water, approaching Bokuto.

"Hey owl?" 

Bokuto turned his head and smiled. That damn smile.. it's so pretty. 

"Can we meet up at Sakanoshita Market after training? I need to talk to you about something pretty important.."

Bokuto's POV

"Sure! What time should we meet up?"

I could tell he was nervous about asking to meet up. It was kind of strange... almost like a date invitation but instead of dinner or a movie, we were going to a store. 

"How does 4:30 sound?"

Kuroo's POV

"4:30 is perfect. See you then, owl." 

I walked off, feeling my face start to burn. 

I can't believe he said yes. It's not like it's an official first date that could turn us into a couple.. right?

Time skip to after training (3rd person POV)...

"Hey! Owl!" 

Kuroo ran up to Bokuto, his nervousness from earlier completely gone. Now, he was eager to go to the shop with Bokuto.

"Oh, hey rooster. I was just about to head up to my room (can't remember if they go home after training or not).. do you wanna head to Sakanoshita now?"

"Oh, sure! Why not walk together there?"

He smiled, his cheeks turning a light red.

"Yeah, let's walk there together."

Small author's note:

So this concludes the first part of the story. I know I said it was going to be short but- change of plans. Anyway hope y'all liked it.

Word count: 408 

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