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Real Name: Sonic.EXE

Age: Unknown

Date of Birth: Unknown

Place of Birth: Mobius

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Height: 3'3

Weapons: Magic

Biological Family: N/A


Proxy Relations:

BEN Drowned: Video Game buddy, close friend.

Lost Silver: Video Game buddy, close friend.

Dark Link: Video Game buddy, close friend.

Kagekao: Friend, occasionally race each other

Kate the Chaser: Friend, occasionally race each other



Sonic.EXE is similar in personality to Sonic the Hedgehog, except ever so slightly more sadistic. He can be cocky and brash and doesn't always look before he leaps. But he's a caring friend at the very least. He plays Sonic the Hedgehog in Super Smash Bros.


Appearance: A short blue hedgehog with red sneakers. He matches the physical description of Sonic the Hedgehog perfectly, except for his eyes. His eyes are pitch black with glowing red pupils. They resemble BEN's and drip blood.


Past: Unknown



-Just as fast as Sonic the Hedgehog

-Completely capable of utilizing the power of the Chaos Emeralds

-Can turn any land he pleases into a living hellscape

-Controlling/infecting bodies



Silver mirrors. Don't ask.


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