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Clay's POV

The next morning Clay awoke after a few hours asleep and returned to the Prince's side. A different guard took his position at Prince George's door before dawn. Clay made sure to have been outside of the Prince's room before the guard came.

They exchanged a greeting and Clay learned the guard's name was Quackity. He found the shorter guard quite funny and made a mental note to speak with Quackity again.

Once Clay had fed and watered Patches he attended breakfast with the Prince. He met him in the dining hall. The Prince met his gaze across the room and grinned softly at Clay. Clay walked over and took over for the guard behind the Prince.

"Good morning, Prince," Clay greeted.

"Good morning."

"Did you rest well?"

"Thanks to you." The Prince replied quietly.

Clay gave him a small grin. "You should eat breakfast."

"What about you?"

"I ate already."

"Oh." The Prince looked downcast.

"What's wrong?"

"Why don't you eat with me?"

"Um. I can if you want. I eat lunch and dinner with you." Clay said confused as to where this was going.


Okay? Clay raised his eyebrows. That was a little weird.

The Prince sat down and ate. Clay stood behind and kept on guard. When Prince George finished they walked to the training yard.

"Go ahead." The Prince gestured to the field.

"What?" Clay said, confused.

"Go train or whatever."

Clay chuckled. "I can't train when I'm on guard."

The Prince looked at him amused. "There are so many guards here. I'll be fine for an hour. You can do your thing."

"If you say so." Clay said and walked towards a group of guards. The Prince trailed behind awkwardly. Clay had to admit, the Prince stood out in all the guards in armor. When wearing a gold crown, a silk white shirt, black pants, and brown leather boots, one would stand out.

Clay glanced back at the pretty Prince. He raised an eyebrow. The Prince nodded back for him to continue.

Clay turned to Punz a few feet away. "Hey, Punz! Wanna do a little sword play?"

Punz grinned, "Anytime Dream. Make sure you let me win a few though. I gotta keep some of my ego."

Clay chuckled, "You wish."

They stepped into the circle and unsheathed their swords. A group of guards and soldiers gathered around, eager to watch.

Like last time, Clay beat Punz easily every time. He always found an opening and exploited it. After each round, Clay would help Punz up and offer him advice.

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