chapter 13 " Goodbye, Jailee"

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Shay: I didn't know he or she would take it this far.

Zendaya: why would they do this?( she cried)

Kaiya: it's okay,zendaya.

Kari: this stops now! ( kari looks down at her phone and sees that she got a text and so do the other girls)

Unknown: it doesn't stop,until I say it stops.

Shay: what do we do?

Kaiya: hold on,I'm getting a text

Shay: from them again?

Kaiya: no it's from the dance competition people, telling us we have a week to be ready to audition.

Zendaya: I got a text too ( she reads it to them)

Unknown: great,so I don't have to wait for a month to spoil your win,see you then.

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