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Niall's POV

   Carrie was finally home safe with us. And things had been going great for the past month that she'd been home. But, deep inside, I knew something was wrong. I could just feel it. Over the past couple of weeks, Carrie had changed. I wasn't sure whether the other guys had noticed or not, because even to me, it was a pretty subtle change. But, it was a change none the less.

   Carrie was a little more quiet, and a little more distant than usual. Just a little bit. Just enough for me to notice. Sure, she still joked around with all of us - me especially! And she wasn't afraid to have a little fun, but she was just different. And I just couldn't put my finger on it.

   I felt like she was hiding something.


Carrie's POV

   I didn't know what I was going to do. My whole life had changed in a split second, it felt like. If I told the boys, this would ruin everything. They would leave me. I just knew they would.

   But, I also knew that I couldn't hide this forever. It would come out sooner or later - hopefully later.  What I was worried about the most was how Niall was going to react when he found out. Would he still want to be with me, or would be just leave me along with the others?

   And how could I expect him to stay with me after this? How?! It would ruin his life - his reputation! His fans would hate him! I didn't care if they hated me, but Niall certainly didn't deserve this. My dear sweet Niall. How could I do this to him? To them?

   What on earth had I done to deserve this?




Author's Note: Welcome everyone to the sequel of "Little Things"! It has taken me a long time to even decide if I wanted to write a sequel, and let alone, come up with this idea. I just hope you'll all enjoy reading this as much as I'm going to enjoy writing it!

   And I'm sorry that the Prolouge is so short, but it just felt right for me to write it the way I did.

   Anyways, please join me on this new journey. And please feel free to comment, or vote for this story. I appreciate any and all criticism, as long as it is constructive - not destructive.

                                                                                          Until Next Time....


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