Chapter 2

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   Carrie's POV


      I wasn't sure where this was going, but I for one was certainly not going to complain about it. Here we were - Niall and I - sitting in some random restaurant, and Niall was just chattering on about something or another. I honestly couldn't  tell you what he was going on about at the moment. Probably talking about food or something to that affect.

   But, just because I wasn't exactly listening at the moment didn't mean that I wasn't enjoying myself. I was very happy to be sitting here in this moment on this day in time. I was happy to listen to Niall and his incessant chatter about the food in this little restaurant hidden on an out of the way street corner. I just wished  we could stay this way forever. I didn't want things to change. 

    But, I knew that they would. It was just a matter of time. Or months really. I couldn't hide it forever. I just hadn't figured out how to tell him yet. How to tell any of them. And, for the moment, I was determined that I wasn't going to worry about it. I just wanted to live in the here and now. With Niall, my wonderful and devoted boyfriend, and my best friends.

    "Carrie? Carebear? Are you even listening to me?" Niall asked, breaking my train of thought. He was looking at me with his classic look of amusement on his face. 

   "Of course I was," I said, giving him an innocent little smile. He smirked and stood up, moving over to my side of the booth that we were sitting in.

   "Really now? What was I talking about then?" he asked, twirling a strand of my recently dyed red hair in his fingers. I found myself momentarily distracted by how close he was to me, and the look of pure contentment on his face - mixed with his cute smile as he realized that he'd managed to distract me once again.

   "You were talking about food. Definitely food," I guessed. All he had to do was raise an eyebrow and I laughed, knowing that I had been caught...again... 

    "Actually, what I was really talking about was the joke I was thinking about playing on Liam," Niall mused, still toying with a strand of my hair.  It was highly distracting! 

   "Ooh, do tell!" I said, just barely managing to keep track of the conversation.  He went on to tell me all about his latest plan to annoy the hell out of Liam. Let's just say Niall had a great idea that was sure to make sure that Liam wouldn't be drinking sodas again any time soon. He was gonna put soy sauce in all of his sodas and see how long it took him to realize. I mean, in my mind he certainly was asking for it. He had been saying for weeks now that he needed to stop drinking so many sodas, because it would help him to lose weight - not that he really needed to lose any weight! But, it would be a hilarious joke, I thought! 

   Shortly after that, we had to conclude our lunch date, as Niall and the boys were going back into the studio to record some new music. They had been putting in a lot of hours at the studio recently, just trying to make as much music as possible and make bigger and better than before. I knew that they were also planning another tour as well, which made me both very happy and sad at the same time.

   I was so proud of them for working so hard on their music and for caring so much for their fans. For basically dedicating their lives to their music. They had worked so hard and come so far in just a few years. They deserved everything that they had gained because of it. 

   But, it also made me sad, knowing that they would be going on tour again soon. I wondered where I would be when they left. Would I even still be welcome in this home? Because the tour was still several months away, so by the time that it came for them to leave, this baby would already be born. They would know everything. And I still didn't know how that was going to turn out for me and them. But, I didn't want to appear as if I was only thinking about myself, because mostly I was thinking about them. 

   I knew that even if they still accepted me after I managed to tell them about my pregnancy, then I could possibly be putting their careers in some amount of danger. Because there was no way that the press wouldn't manage to get ahold of this story at some point, and I knew that something like this, if not told in the proper way, could make a lot of fans angry. And I knew that that would hurt the guys, and I just wasn't sure if I could handle subjecting them to this whole mess. It wouldn't be right. 

   "Hey, babe, what's going on in that beautiful head of yours?" Niall asked, once again shaking me out of my thoughts. 

   But, I just shook my head and smiled at him, not even willing to begin this conversation at this point in time. "Nothing, just thinking about my next drawing," I replied, coming up with it on the spot. 

   He laughed - as usual - " You're always thinking about art. It's like drawing is your second language," he said, all the while with a smile on his face as he drove towards our house. I'd asked him to drop me off there on his way to the studio. I usually went with them to the studio, but I really didn't feel like it this time. I really could just use some more time to myself. Just me, myself and my trusty sketchbook. Drawing always seemed to help clear my head and help me think more.

   "Well, you're not wrong there," I said, poking him in the arm, "I'm gonna' need a new sketchbook soon, by the way." It was a thinly veiled hint in his direction. I didn't often go out by myself anymore. It made me too nervous. I didn't even really like being alone in the house for long periods of time, but I was adjusting. It just took time. It would probably still be quite a while before I was willing to go anywhere on my own. I still felt like I was always looking over my shoulder. Even though Trey and my dad were now in jail, I still felt like they were watching me - even though that was completely  impossible. It was a hard feeling to shake, but I was working on it. 

   "We'll go out and get you a new one sometime next week, how does that sound?" Niall asked as he pulled up to the curb outside of the house. 

   I leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before getting out of the car. "Sounds like a date," I yelled as I headed into the house. I distinctly heard his trademark laugh as he pulled the car door shut and drove off, headed for the studio. I headed inside, planning on spending yet another night working on my drawings. The usual.


Author's Note: Sorry it took me six freaking months to update! I promise I'll work harder to make sure that doesn't happen! Anyways, please let me know what y'all think of this chapter! I love you all!

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