quick announcment

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Hello everyone and welcome to a quick announcement. I just wanted to tell you guys about when I decide to do my update schedule. I honestly don't know when I'll update each time, I'll have to update a few more chapters to see. I also realized that I like to write these at night and don't worry as who ever is reading this I'm currently typing up a chapter. Honestly I was thinking about writing two or three chapters then releasing it, but knowing the lazy and inpatient person that I am I don't think I'll do that. Who knows honestly I am not much of an organized person so i might be all over the place.

Also a little side note if this story goes well I might start doing others while working on this but I won't start until maybe episode ten. I'll probably do a little pole between two or three stories so I guess you can look forward to that. I would also like to apologize for already doing an announcement right after episode one. Anyway moving on I'll start that second chapter now, bye I hope you enjoy.

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