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HEY!! I finished editing and am finally updating !! After this though it's back on hold while I get my other books started!
Harry's POV
" Fine. Well, you are apparently my erm, my um sister" I said but mumbled sister and she probably can't hear me.
" Your what?" She asked.
" My sister" I said then expected her to look surprised, shocked, angry maybe, laugh possibly, say I'm lying, say I'm joking, something. but noooooo. She blinked then said
" I know, I have known for a looooong time"
This time Ron and I were the ones shocked, surprised and I was angry.
" You knew?! Why didn't you ever tell me! I would've liked to know I had a sister!! I would've loved to know u wasn't the only one alive in my family and was magic! Why would you be selfish and not tell me! HOW COULD YOU!" I yelled at her then stormed out. I know, I know I seem like a drama queen but, look at it from my point of view. I have lived with muggles all my life and they have treated me like horrible trash! I then find out I have a sibling who is alive! And is also magic! And she knew the whole time she was related to me! AND IS FREAKING ON VOLDEMORT'S SIDE AND MAY OR MAY NOT SWITCH TO THE RIGHT SIDE! That's a lot to take in!

Ugh, I need a break! Not gonna talk to Taylor/Danielle or whoever the hell she is anytime soon.

Taylor/Danielle's POV ( I think I will just stay with Taylor as only Harry, Ron, Albus, Voldemort ad herself know about her being Danielle)

After Harry stormed off I was just confused.
" Ok jeez what crawled up his pants and died" I mumbled and Ron snickered.
" Anyways, How long was I in here" I asked remembering I don't know what happened.
" Not even a day. Harry and I found you screaming and then picked you up to take you to Madame Pomfrey. While we were on our way, you started floating out of our reach. Harry got Dumbledore and then some spirit explained stuff and then your dropped to the floor. Harry and I took you here and then about 5 minutes later you woke up and here we are! Tada!" Ron said then did jazz hands.
" oh ok. What exactly did this spirit say" I asked
" Some stuff about how you were Harry's sister, you were the one to save Harry's life, Uh You-Know-Who kidnapped you, Made you take some potion to take over your mind, and that you are not response able for whatever you did while you were cursed" He said.
" oh" was all I said

" Why is Harry all upset" I asked him
" Probably just upset you knew and didn't tell him" Ron said and shrugged


Harry Potter has a sister?! ( CANCELED )Where stories live. Discover now