[16] Game

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Kun felt someone's hand tapping lightly on his shoulder and looked up. His internship partner, Qing Chen was smiling at him while offering him a cup of black coffee. 

"Drink it, you looked like you didn't sleep well." 

Kun hesitated for a moment and Qing Chen grabbed hold of Kun's hand, placing the cup in his hand. "Drink it." She looked as Kun slowly took a sip of the coffee and smirked, "We've been working together for over a month already and you are still that cold." 

The two of them had been spending quite a bit of time together in the internship as they are handling the same portfolio. Many of the tasks done are split between the two of them. Qing Chen's jovial and easygoing personality made it relatively easy for Kun to work with her. If he must say, he saw some similarities in Qing Chen and YuXin that made him lower his barrier towards her. 


After work, Kun was about to take a shower when he received a call from Qing Chen. 

"Hey Kun, I'm sorry to trouble you but my shower head is spoiled, can I borrow the toilet at your place for a shower?" 


Qing Chen knocked on Kun's door a few minutes later, entering his room and heading straight to the toilet after thanking him. Just then, he received a video call from YuXin and he immediately answered it. 

"Good morning Kun Kun! Oh good evening at your side." YuXin greeted cheerfully as she laze in her bed. 

"Why are you calling so early in the morning?" 

"We are bringing Xiaoyu out for a walk later. Kun Kun, you didn't switch off your tap? I can hear the water running." 

"My classmate is borrowing my toilet." 

Right on cue, Qing Chen walked out of the toilet after the shower, changed into her t-shirt and shorts with her towel wrapped around her head. 

"You are a saviour Kun, thanks for your help." 

Kun nodded his head and Qing Chen continued, "I'll see myself out." She walked over to the door and left swiftly. 

YuXin raised her brows curiously and asked, "Kun Kun, I didn't know you have such a pretty classmate working with you." 

Kun wanted to roll his eyes at that comment but instead he questioned her back, "You jealous?" 

 "No, I'll never be jealous." YuXin replied confidently. 


Never be jealous. Kun thought about YuXin's words and realised it seemed to be the case. She didn't display any form of jealousy before. Even the time where he helped Yuyan blow off the dirt, Chengcheng's reaction was bigger than that of YuXin's. What does it mean if she's not jealous?  Does it mean she doesn't love me? 

Kun's mind began whirling as he started thinking about all the possibilities for her statement. The sentence that was supposed to help relief any sort of worries or misunderstanding had instead contributed to his bad mood. In the end, he decided to consult Zhengting regarding this. "How would Xue Er react if she sees a girl in your room?" 

Zhengting shifted his head back in surprise and replied quickly, "Then I better buy an air ticket and fly back to moment that happened if not I can just say goodbye to my love." 

"So it's normal for a girl to be angry?" 

"Of course! I'd be more concern if she didn't say anything. That probably means she has someone else in mind rather than me." Zhengting replied seriously. "But why are you asking this all of a sudden?" He raised his brows and looked at Kun. 

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