3 - Those looks can kill, they almost killed me.

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A/N1: This chapter has not been revised/edited, there will be grammar mistakes, typos, etc.

The drive in which the surgeon made to the hospital was quite the reckless one—it was both a surprise to him and the others that shared the space with him that he was not pulled over by any means. Windows down to calm whatever nerves were plaguing him, the cool breeze created from the speed in which he traveled did well to tone down the several emotions he was experiencing at once. While there was little to say—or feel—regarding the materialistic woman of the hour, there was enough to throw a moderate fit about when it came to his patient and his reputation—and not even his patient's life, but the organs he would exploit from the patient. No one wants organs attacked by damage due to something so carless as providing the wrong medication. It was fact, all that the self-centered bitch said. Wooyoung had no true care for his patients, he never had the aspiration of helping people through the kindness of his heart. It was simply what his true motivation was, and still is: Money.

            Ah yes. Money, dinero, livelihood, the root of all sin within the world—and the root of Wooyoung's sins without a single doubt. The sin in which the young surgeon developed and maintains lands him a position of being the vessel in which 'Greed' would take over to personify itself. However, there were questions that remained. If Wooyoung is such an esteemed surgeon with a hefty salary, why would he still want more money? The proper answer is simply: Why wouldn't he want more money? A large debt? Materialistic Tendencies? No, no. Neither would be enough of a motive for him to desire more money, but what would? Power. With money comes power, and with power—the young surgeon's opportunities were endless.

            While entering the hospital after parking his vehicle in a clearly rushed state—within the lines of the parking space but horribly crooked—Wooyoung made no hesitation in bursting into a light sprint towards the elevator. Managing to shoot Receptionist Seo a short nod out of obligation while trekking towards an opening elevator, he eyed the internal capacity of it. A couple, consistent of a woman and another woman, exited promptly, leaving the surgeon a wonderful amount of space all to himself—that is until he saw the very Resident that fucked up his patient entering the elevator ahead of him. Choi Jongho, a usually outstanding resident that stood taller than Wooyoung despite being three years younger than him, was loved by all staff of the hospital. Minimal errors in his work ethic and a high generosity—despite his stern looks—until this monstrosity.  'The deities are fucking with me.' He thought to himself as he slowed down his pace from a light sprint to a hasty walk. Entering the elevator with the resident, he shot quite a feisty glare into his direction before turning and leaning onto the right wall of the elevator. Back to the wall while facing Resident Choi, Wooyoung took a small glance at the floor buttons offered, and as he expected the one for floor 12 was illuminated. A mere five seconds later, the elevator began its ascension—and so did the interrogation.

            "What on earth were you thinking giving the patient Doxorubicin, Resident Choi?" Breaking the silence, he stared at younger profusely, the gaze clearly unwavering in any manner.

            Knowing he would be questioned the moment he saw the Doctor enter the elevator with him—fully knowing that Wooyoung had clocked out early, he mumbled to himself for a few seconds as his gaze was glued to the floor. Finally speaking after a few more, he tore his eyes from the floor and met the sharp gaze in which Wooyoung wore, "It earnestly isn't my fault, Chief Jung! Really!"

            "It isn't your fault? Several staff members saw you injecting the Doxorubicin into the catheter. A ghost didn't come along and do such a thing."

            "I know what they saw! I know what I did, but the patient file truly stated they were a cancer patient that needed Doxorubicin. I still have the file behind the desk, and you can check it yourself! I wouldn't have given her such medication if it didn't say so—you know that I am not that careless, Chief Jung."

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