6 - You've willingly partnered up with the Devil.

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A/N1: I'm sorry this took a bit, I've been dealing with finals and end of semester craziness.  

A/N2: This chapter has not been revised/edited, there will be grammar mistakes, typos, etc.

As the elevator came to a halt, San and Yunho glanced at the floor number before focusing their attention on the door in front of them. Seeing as the floor had stopped on level two, not one, the conversation the were having in relation to the case ceased—any outsider input would have been far from ideal in any manner—thus concealing the information was crucial. As a woman, seemingly another doctor, came into view as the doors opened, the two stepped away from one another leaving the woman enough space to stand between them. Exchanging glances with one another, Yunho decided to see what responses the detective would give to certain facial expressions—especially ones that seemed to hold certain aspects to them—like suggestive undertones. Thinking for a moment, the officer decided to start of simple and simply grin at him, raising his brows while maintaining eye contact. Without hesitation, San 'answered' back, quickly winking at him while slowly biting his lip.

Though it was an honor to see the notorious detective make a such a face, Yunho was slightly flustered for the exact reason—after not seeing San ever smile prior to today, suggestive looks from the man was enough to set Yunho into a slight panic. Though to maintain his pride, the officer didn't allow the panic to settle on his face, instead he ran his fingers through his hair while maintaining eye contact, exposing his forehead with a wink as well. Though discrete with both of their actions, the woman who had stepped onto the elevator still manage to figure out what the two were doing. Glancing at both of them through her peripherals, she took a glance at the floor numbers. The moment that the floor hit '1' and the elevator came to a stop, she took an immediate step forward. Impatiently, she tapped her foot until the doors began to open. The very moment there was a space big enough for her to squeeze through, the doctor made her way out of them elevator.

Dumbfounded by the sudden actions the woman exhibited, San paid a final glance at Yunho before cracking a grin, laughing lightly. Shaking his head as he got up out of his leaning position against the wall, the detective remained his grasp on his jacket that remained at his pelvic region as he exited the elevator. Quickly exiting behind him, the officer found himself smiling though shocked; hearing a such a genuine laugh from him was also a genuine surprise. 'I still don't understand how the others at the department have such horrible views towards him. If anything, he's the most enjoyable one out of all of them. His methods are different—after all who else almost literally fucks a suspect?—he doesn't follow protocol, yet still gets his job done in the end. Efficiently at that. Once again, you're cool as fuck, Choi San.'

Walking behind him, though still viewing him with immense admiration, Yunho studied the detective from a distance, that is until audible shrieks of surprise came yet again from the direction of reception desk. Quick to react, San looked over at the direction of the shrieks to not only find the receptionist, but a several other women gawking over him. Cursing lightly under his breath, as San himself new the reasoning this time around. With his tattoos being visible along with his hair down, the detective was aware of his own 'Rocker' appearance and how such an appearance tended to cause a lagoon to suddenly appear in the undergarments of many women—and men. Knowing that the attention would have been avoided if he hadn't become so lustful—however with Wooyoung in his presence it was virtual impossible not to be aroused especially in the previous situation—the detective shot the women a short nod with a smile, fingers running through his hair just for shits and giggles before turning is attention to the entrance to parking garage yet again.

Somewhat envious of the constant attention from the women, though not envious enough to feel any disdain towards San, whom he admired fervently—anyone at the station could attest to that as when the detective wasn't around all Yunho could speak about was him—the officer decided to at least be respectful and acknowledge the women as well with a smile. Though to his surprise, the women seemed to actually enjoy his features as well, giggling amongst themselves at his small gesture as well. Filled with pride, the officer jogged a bit to walk directly next to San.

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