Chapter 4

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When we got home, I was super tired. Papa took the job of putting my very first diaper on me. He took me upstairs and laid me on their bed. He took out a new diaper and powder. He powdered me up really well and put the diaper on me. After he was done, daddy came in holding a bottle of milk. I tried it. It tasted funny. That's when daddy told me that it was baby milk not just regular milk. Mama made me a formula bottle. Mmmmmm it was so good. Papa laid down with me until mommy came up. Mommy and papa traded places and papa went to help daddy with something. "Hey pumpkin is that good milkies?" I just nodded my head. My mouth was full with my baba. "How would mommy's baby feel if mama started to make her milkies? Would you like that baby?" "Mama, you can make milkies? HOW!?" "Well baby, it will take work from both of us. You will have to suckle on mama every couple hours, then with the medicine mama is taking, milk will come out of mommy's boobies. Would you like that baby?" I shook my head super fast. "Mama, i get boobie milkies?" "Yes baby, would you like to try to nurse now?" "MmmmHmmm." Mommy took off her shirt and her bra and laid it on the nightstand next to her. "Ok baby, you have to open really wide in order to get mommy's boobie in your mouth. Then you gotta suckle." "Ok mama." I opened my mouth wide and latched on. It was the best feeling I had had in a long time. I felt super comforted. Mommy's smell and the feel of her skin made me feel like there was no other place i'd rather be than where i was at.

An hour or so later i woke up and mommy was gone. I started to cry. I was scared. Mommy rushed in the room to me. "Shh baby it's ok. Here. shhhhhh." She opened her shirt and i latched on again, just like a real baby. Mommy reached down and checked my diaper. It was wet. So she carried me to a different room i had never been in. She laid me on this table that i realized was a changing table. She took her boobie out of my mouth and replaced it with a binki. It wasn't the same. I wanted mommy back. "Mama, me want boobies pweese. Milkies mama milkies." "You gotta wait a few minutes baby girl. Mama has to change this super wet diaper on my girl so she doesn't get a rash. Then we can go down stairs and ill rock you while you suckle ok baby?" "Ok mama. But what about daddy and papa seeing me with boobies will they be mad?" "Of course not baby. Daddy suggested i start breastfeeding you and papa was all for it. So they will be happy that you took to it as good as you did. Your latch is perfect too. So that's a good thing. It shouldn't take too long for milk to start coming in."

Mommy finished changing my diaper and carried me downstairs. It felt weird to be a baby again, but it felt super comforting to know that I had no worries in the world except snuggling my mommy and daddies and helping mommy's milk come in. That's the best feeling in the world.

We came down the stairs and daddy came over to me. "I wanna snuggle my baby girl. You get to give her milk, you gotta share the snuggle time." So daddy held me and rocked me for a while. Then papa came over. "My turn. I get baby snuggles too." It felt different being the baby they were fighting over. "Now hold on you two, first she needs to nurse. If this milk is going to come in, she needs to be nursing every 2 hours around the clock. Paulie will you go get me the SNS and Sam will you make the formula in the bottle for her?" "Yea babe. I got you." "Ok babe, im on it. Anything for our special princess." Mommy carried me over to this big recliner type chair that rocked. She pulled up her shirt and there was this thing that wasn't there before. It unhooked releasing her breast. It was a nursing bra! Thats so cool. She doesn't have to take her bra off to give me milkies now. Daddy came back with this tube looking thing and papa brought out this thing of milk. They both gave their stuff to mama. Mama put the tube thing on her boobie right by the nipple where i suckle. Then she hooked the tube up to this special bottle that papa made. Mama cradled me in her arm and I snuggled right in. "Remember baby girl, be gentle with mama like you have been." I latched onto mama and started to suckle. Next thing i know im getting MILK! "Does our baby like that? Mama got it at the store. While your helping mama get her milk to come in, we can use this. You still get formula, but you also get mamas boobies. So you get to help mama get the milk to come in. Isnt that cool baby?" I just suckled away. I was lost in my own little world. Mama was rocking me, my 2 new daddies were looking on just admiring the beauty that is nourishing another human with your body, I was snuggled up with my mommy and just loving the fact that I AM LOVED!

I nursed for about 45 minutes then papa asked if we all wanted pizza for dinner. "Sounds good love." Papa ordered pizza then came and picked me up from mama. I was all nice and cozy in mommy's arms. To think I have only been in this house for 12 hours and there has been so much change for me. Papa walked over to the book shelf and grabbed a book. He sat down with me in his lap. "Hey babe, can you go get her a blanky? She seems a bit cold." "Sure handsome, i got you." Daddy came back a minute later with a nice fluffy purple blanket and covered me and papa up. He then kissed me on my head and papa on the lips. Mama saw this and was jealous. So she came over too and kissed daddy and papa on the lips and me all over my cheeks. Its so cool to have 3 parents. Expecially 3 parents that love you.

Papa picked up the book and started to read to me. "Papa, me want binki peese!" "Oh of course baby. Babe can you come here?" "Yes babe what do you need?" "Go ahead and ask mama baby girl, papas got you." "Mama me want binki. Need suckles." "ahhhh I see. Do you want to suckle mama or do you want a binki?" "I not know mama. Me want story, but me loves suckles on mama." "Looks like we have a bit of a dilemma here. Why don't I take you and snuggle you and let you suckle while we wait for pizza. Then when we are done with dinner after you get ready for bed, papa can read you a story. Hows that sound?" "Me wike dat idea mama." So my mommy picked me back up blanky and all. She turned around and sat down in the spot I was in. Right next to papa. She lifted up her shirt and undid her nursing bra and let me suckle. The feeling of being at mamas breast was the best feeling i have felt sense I lost my own mama. When she died, I was still getting milk too. So this made me think of her. A few minutes later the door bell rang. Daddy went to get it. It was the pizza so mama had me unlatch even though i would have been happier snuggling her and suckling all night. She handed me off to papa who carried me into the kitchen. Now there was a high chair in there. Thats so cool. Papa put me in my new high chair and put the tray on. Daddy went to make me a baba of juice and mommy went to get plates and stuff. Then we all sat and had yummy yummy pizza!

After dinner was over I started to get tired and everyone noticed. So mama, papa, dadda and I went up stairs. Sense i had already had 2 baths today mama said I didnt need another one. So papa took me in my room and changed me again. Then he put me in some super soft fluffy jammies that would make me stay warm all night. Papa then picked me up again and walked over to a rocking chair in the corner next to a small book shelf filled with books. He picked out a book and then rocked me while he read to me. This time i didnt forget my binki, even though its not as good as mama. By the time papa was done with the book, i was drifting off. So he picked me up and took me into their room. Mama was already laying with dadda when i got in there. Papa laid me down next to mama then got ready for bed. Mama opened her shirt so i could suckle. I fell asleep that night thankful for Miss Sam and her putting me with the 3 people who I knew would love me for the rest of my life. Mama, dada, and papa all kissed me goodnight and i fell asleep.

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