Chapter Sixteen:

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She smiled as she stared up at the ceiling, "That was...I can't even explain it."

Harry laughed beside her and pulled her closer to him, "I told you that I'd make it up to you didn't I?"

"Mmm yes you did. I didn't honestly think that you had it in you for that much sex though, definitely not complaining only wondering why we didn't set a day aside for sex sooner."

His finger trailed lightly over the tattoos on her arms, "Because we'd always crash from the drugs, but now we have free reign! Maybe for your birthday we'll do this again. When is your birthday anyway?"

Scarlett turned on her side to look at him when he spoke, it was something she really loved about him for some reason that she couldn't quite place. The way his lips formed words and the way that he talked so unlike anyone else.

"April 14th, I never told you?"

He shook his head, "Nope. You missed mine by the way, it was the first of last month."

Scarlett stared at him for a moment before she started to laugh, "God, we have such a fucked up relationship."

Harry laughed with her and shrugged, "I don't know about you, but I enjoy it. It works doesn't it?"

In all honesty, they knew just about nothing about one another but he was right, it did work well for them.

Scarlett squirmed around for a moment so that she could kiss him, "Yes, it works very well and I very much enjoy it."

Harry smiled, "I still can't get over how different you are and how you're still the same Scarlett."

Scarlett frowned, she knew he'd say something like that eventually, and went back to lying on her back and staring at the dull ceiling, whispering under her breath, "This is why I didn't want to go to rehab..."

"Scarlett...I didn't say that I didn't like it. I love yoouu!" He pulled her into his chest and peppered her face with kisses.

Scarlett squirmed in his arms, giggling at his actions, "Stop it! I love you too!"

He kissed her as she smiled and pinched her bum, making her jump and squeak slightly.

Harry chuckled and decided to ask her a question that he'd been curious about for months now, "You never did tell me where you got the money to pay for all the drugs and whatever. How did you get it?"

Scarlett tensed and he regretted even asking when he saw her expression.

He opened his mouth to take it back when she answered, "I uh...I was a stripper for a while..."

She watched his expression change and felt better about it when he looked amused, "No way."

Scarlett nodded, "Yep, I worked over at Moonlighters for a solid two years at least."

"I went in there once with my friends but I couldn't go through with it, the whole idea of just objectifying women doesn't sit well with me."

She thought about it for a moment, "But you objectified me for a time, did you not?"

He sighed, "You're right, I did. That's why I never stayed the night you know, I couldn't deal with what I was doing."

"I always wondered why you did that." She entwined their fingers together and turned her head to look at him once again, his green eyes keeping her captivated.

Harry laughed and squeezed her hand lightly, "Now you know. I never asked if you had any siblings?"

Scarlett shook her head, "No, I'm an only child. Are you?"

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