Chapter Twenty-Three:

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He held her delicate hand gently as she slept, completely oblivious to all of the beeping machines around her. She looked peaceful despite all the medical equiptment surrounding her.

A nurse stopped by to see if she was awake yet and promptly left when Harry assured her that she was still completely knocked out.

Beside him sat a small vase filled with roses and a card he'd made himself just to make his beautiful wife smile. She was his everything.

The wedding was small, but just as perfect as he'd imagined it would be when he was younger. He'd never imagined that he'd find the true love of his life during his darkest moments.

Nor had he imagined that she'd end up as a walking poster for cancer. Everything nowadays was so unpredictable and sometimes he wished that it wasn't. But that's the way life worked, it was unpredictable, beautiful, and tragic but that's what made it worth living.

A small groan sounded from the bed beside him as Scarlett awoke from her drug induced dreams.

Harry lightly squeezed her hand in his, "Welcome back sweetheart. How do you feel?"

Scarlett's tired eyes opened slowly, she was squinting at the obnoxiously bright lights, "Like I was just cut open numerous times and heavily sedated. You look nice."

Harry laughed softly as he ran his thumb over the cool metal of her wedding band, "Only for your sake. The doctor said that he thinks it worked, but we'll have to come back in a month or so to be sure."

A small smile toyed at the corners of her lips, "I'm going to have to bake Mum some cookies aren't I?"

Harry grinned, "The opposite actually, she's quite worried about you and how things worked out with the surgery."

Scarlett let out a heavy breath, closing her eyes briefly, the light becoming too much for her to bear, "I really can't thank her enough. Especially if it works."

His lips met the warm, soft skin of her forehead briefly, "You've already done enough baby, get some rest, I'll be here when you wake up again I promise."

Eyes still closed, she nodded and hummed in response before slipping back into the blissful sleep that the drugs assured.

* * *

Two months had come and gone and still, the cancer hadn't reappeared in any new or previous areas. Scarlett was overjoyed.

The second she had hung up the phone she'd peppered Harry's face with kisses, a scant few tears of joy falling free as she did so.

Scarlett kissed him once more, deeply this time, giving him ample time to enjoy just how soft her lips were and how deeply her love resonated.

Pulling away she grinned, "It worked!"

This time Harry was the one to kiss her, his hands pressed to her cheeks as she melted into him, her lips soft against his and so very addictive.

Their eyes met as each pulled away to breathe, their chests rising and falling heavily.

Scarlett was the first to speak in a soft yet confident tone, "Make love to me."

Harry chuckled softly at her request, "As you wish."

It wasn't long before he'd carried her to the bedroom and gently set her down on the pillowy mattress, climbing on top of her carefully.

He kissed her gently, making sure that it lingered before he spoke, "I love you so much Scarlett."

Her vibrant blue eyes met his equally green ones as she smiled brighter than he could remember, "I love you too."

Their lips connected once more and it had finally felt like everything was right with the world. The underlying threat had been eliminated and they could finally just be together without any implications.

He stopped his actions when his hips meant hers and she gasped, her nails digging into the soft skin on his arms.

Afraid he'd hurt her, it had been awhile since they last had sex, he panicked slightly, "Did I-"

Scarlett shook her head and chewed at her lower lip slightly, "No, it's just been a while. Don't stop."

Harry nodded and kissed her deeply, continuing his actions and rolling his hips against hers gently.

Soft moans fell from her lips as he increased his pace slightly, her legs beginning to tighten around him.


Lips melding with hers, he forgot about the fact that she even had cancer in the first place. She was his and his alone and he never wanted anything else.

As the familiar euphoric sensation hit him, he couldn't help but smile as she clung to him and despite the sting her nails left in his back, he felt like he was on top of the world.

Harry kissed her deeply once more before falling down into the mattress beside her, his hand automatically linking with hers "I'm sure the neighbors hate us again."

Scarlett laughed, a real laugh for the first time in months, "Probably. Hmm maybe they'll finally move out?"

She wasn't close enough to him and he pulled her into him quickly, nuzzling his face in the crook of her neck, breathing in the remaining scent of her cherry blossom perfume until it enveloped his senses entirely.

His curls tickled her skin causing her to giggle, a sound he absolutely adored, "What are you doing?"

Harry hummed against her soft skin, "Just enjoying being with my beautiful wife."

Scarlett smiled although he couldn't see it, "I'm not going anywhere."

Harry pulled back and kissed her again, "I'm not taking that chance!"

A few moments passed in contented silence before he voiced his thoughts, "Now that we have things at a level of settled, what do you think about starting somewhere new?"

His fingers laced perfectly together with hers as she considered the idea thoroughly. They were married and if they were planning to have kids anytime soon the place they were in currently certainly wouldn't do.

"Do you think we could comfortably afford a place other than this on our own?"

Harry grinned having already set aside some funding, "Yes, I think we could."

Scarlett's hand traced lightly over the tattoos on his chest, "I'll go anywhere as long as it's with you."

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